Planet Calypso Annual Report 2012

Can someone translate?
Unlike MindArk's annual report, this PDF is a scan and not readable by Google Translate. :(
Best I can do ATM, there is a lot of trash (signatures, images etc) that i had to delete. Hopefully i did not deleted important bits. Formating is also lost.

i guess it have to do until somebody will make better/correct that one...



Planet Calypso AB (publ)


Fiscal year


Faststallelsei PROOF

The undersigned member of the Board certifies harmed and that this copy of the annual report overensstammer with the original, and that the income and balance shave down at the AGM on 10 June 2013. The Meeting resolved to approve who is also the Board's proposal for distribution of profits.

Ms Krogh

The board and the managing director unclean for Planet Calypso AB (publ) father harmed issue for financial year 2012.


Information on operations
The company developing this to and drives the planet Calypso since 1 January 2009, an online role-playing game based on the Internet.

In December 2010, the Company entered into, da under the name AR Universe AB SEE Digital Studios AB signed an agreement on 6verlatelse of the assets of the Company AR Universe AB da under the name of First Planet Company AB. Since then lifted the Agreement on several occasions in 2011 and none of the parties pafordrade completion of the contract. The main rule of the Swedish wheel cancellation is to transfer ownership to the extent covered by the contract will return to uphold the original beneficiary, ie the AR Universe AB. Due to essentially now specified conditions give atertogs Planet Calypso and others assets that were included in the agreement, to once a company's balance shaving, pending on the outcome of the current track da skiljeforfarande, in December 2011. Aterbokningen occurred without prejudge or reserve for the Company's future citations and process documents.

In June 2012, the company was settled along with the parent company MindArk PE AB SEE Digital Studios in dispute on Planet Calypso. The dispute are therefore lost with for the Company and MindArk satisfactory, the results.

The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of MindArk PE AB (publ), corporate identity number 556640-4769 and the sate of Goteborg City, Vastra Gotaland.

Consolidated financial statements of MindArk PE AB (publ).

Forslag of earnings
The Board of Directors proposes that the distributable income (dollars):

Retained earnings
Group contributions paid -5,061,182
this year's profit 5,061,183

appropriated said
Carried forward 3,010,097

Fore handle performance and stall in shown in the following income statement and balance sheet of the tillaggsupplysningar.

Note 2012-01-01 2011-01-01
-2012-12-31 -2011-12-31

Balance Shaving Note 2012-12-31 2011-12-31

Balance Shaving Note 2012-12-31 2011-12-31

Assets pledged None None



Accounting and making ring Principles

Allmanna information
The annual accounts have its establishment as arsredovisningslagen and Bokforingsnamndens general advice.

Fore Taken chose not to exploit the possibility of applying the present blade rules BFNAR 2008:1 Annual Accounts of the smaller company (K2).

Others Assets and Liabilities are reported at anskaffningsvarden where otherwise indicated. The accounting policies are oforandrade compared to last year.

lnkomsten at fair varde of what foretaget making or will fa. This meant that the company presently recognizes income at nominal value (invoice amount) if foretaget father replaced ment in cash immediately upon delivery. Deductions are made for discounts.

Replaced Ning in the form of profit sharing is recognized as intact when it is probable that the company presently going to cause the economic benefits associated with the transaction and when the revenue can be reliably set.

Profit distribution accrued in accordance with the relevant agreement inside table.

Ongoing tjansteuppdrag
Fore Taken recognizes revenue tjansteuppdrag performed on an ongoing basis as the work is explored, in accordance with the general rule in BFNAR 2003:3. Ongoing, not invoiced tjansteuppdrag, taken in balance shave up to the computed faktureringsvardet of performed the work and is recognized in other receivables.

lmmateriella and tangible fixed assets are stated at acquisition varde less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.

Depreciation occurs linearly over the useful life expectancy with a glance to rest varde narrowed significantly. Following applied:

lmmateriella fixed assets
Planet Calypso 20%

Foreign currencies
Assets and Liabilities in utlandsk currency vard served at the closing rate.

Income tax
Reported income tax includes tax payable or refundable for the current year,
adjustments to previous ars current tax and changes in deferred tax.

Vard ring of all tax liabilities / assets are measured at their nominal amounts gars as they

tax rules and tax rates that are enacted or which are announced and sakerhet
will firmly be accommodated.

For items that are recognized in the Profit and Loss Account statement are also contexts tax effects result in shaving. Tax effects of items recognized directly in equity are recognized in equity.

Deferred taxes are computed using the balance shaving method for all significant pace rara differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and accumulated pension. Deferred tax assets relating to tax losses or tax credits are recognized to the extent that it is probable that the allowance can be offset against the surplus in future taxation.

In foretaget reported on the basis of the relationship between accounting and taxation, the deferred tax liability on untaxed reserves, as part of the reserves.

Group contributions paid to the parent company over the equity.


Note 1 Net Marketable

Bruttointakter via parent
Carried interest to owners of Calypso Landratter, internally invoiced from MindArk
Other internal sales within the Group

Note 2 Others rorelseintakter

Salda Calypso Landratter loss on disposals Exchange gain from operations Others receipts closely










200 000

Note 3 Fees to auditors
An audit involves assessment of the annual report and accounts and the adminis stall spirit of Directors, other tasks incumbent on the company reviser, and advice or other assistance prompted by observations in the audit or performance of such tasks.

2012 2011

Audit fees 19,000 19,000
19000 19000

Note 4 employees and personnel costs

2012 2011

Average number of employees
Women 0 0

It is 4:00 a.m.
4:00 a.m.

Loner and other remunerations
Board and stables spirit director 275 000 18 685 Bonuses and similar remuneration to the Board and
works stables spirit director 298 231 0
Other employees 639 432 0
1,212,663 18,685

Social costs
Pension costs for the Board and the stables spirit director 96250 0
Pension costs for other employees 998 0
Others social charges by law and agreements 295 876 ​​5870
393 124 5870

Total wages, remunerations, social costs and
pension costs 1605787 24555

Note 5 lnkop and of sale between group companies

2012 2011

Percentage of the total purchases made from the second enterprise of
Group 79.18% 71.00%
Percentage of this year's total sales made to other
enterprise of the Group 100.00% 100.00%

Note 1O Forandring of equity

Number of shares: 9,000
Share bverkurs Retained Arets
capital reserve earnings
Amount at this year's entrance 900 000 3 010 000 -10 571 067 1057 1162
Appropriation of decision
of this year's agm: 10571162 -10571162
Group contributions paid -6,867,276
Tax effects
Group 1,806,094
This year's profit 5,061,183
Amount at this year's
900 000

Goteborg it

Glnilla Krogh

Sven Sandberg
Works Stall Spirit Directorates

My visionsberattelse was submitted on



To the shareholders of Planet Calypso AB {publ), 556766-6416

Report on the annual or loss and the Board OEH works stables spirit direktiirens
forvaltning for Planet Calypso AB (pub!) for ar 2012.

I have performed the audit of the Annual Report for Planet
Calypso AB (pub!) für ar 2012.
Board and works Frontbag spirit director's responsibility for the annual accounts

It is the Board and stables spirit direktiiren responsible fur to prepare an annual report that provides a steering wheel and fair view in accordance arsredovisningslagcn and for such internal control as the Board and the stables spirit direktiiren deem niidvandig for the preparation of annual accounts that are free of material misstatement, whether due pa irregularities or on fol.
Auditor's responsibility

My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I have utfiirt audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and auditing standards in Sweden. Those standards require that I comply with ethical requirements and plan and performs the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The auditor decides which actions should utfiiras, including by bediima risks fur material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or pa pa wrong. At this riskbediimning the auditor considers the internal control that are relevant for how the company prepares its annual report fur to give a
steering wheel and fair view in order to utf01ma granskningsatgarder who are spirit grinding consistent with the circumstances, but not for the purpose of giira an opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls. An audit includes an oeksa evaluating the appropriateness legality of accounting policies have been used and the reasonableness of the Board's and stables spirit direktiirens accounting estimates, as well as evaluating the iivergripande financial statement presentation.
I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and consistent spirit is ground to provide a basis for my audit opinion.

In my opinion, this Annual Report its establishment in accordance with arsredovisningslagen and present fairly, in all material

Board and works Frontbag spirit Director's responsibility

It's board is responsible for fiirslaget the appropriation of the profit or loss, the OEH's Board and stables spirit direktiiren having ansvarct for fiirvaltningen under the Companies Act.
Auditor's responsibility

My responsibility is to reasonably sakerhet say about research team to the appropriation of the profit or loss and on fiirvaltningen on the basis of my audit. I conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden.
As a basis for my opinion on the Board fiirslag to the appropriation of the profit or fiirlust I examined the research team are fiirenligt of the Companies Act.
As a basis fur my opinion concerning discharge from liability, I exept my audit of the financial statements examined significant decisions, actions and fiirhallanden in the company for being able bediima if anybody Board member or stall spirit direktiiren are superseded to the Company. I have examined the lives of anybody Board member or stall spirit direktiiren in any other way, acted in contravention of the Companies Act, arsredovisningslagen or association.
I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained lir to rack league and spirit are ground to provide a basis fur my statements.

I recommend that arsstiimman profit as research team in forvaltningsberattelsen and that rule! Sens Iedamiiter and works Frontbag spirit direktiiren be discharged.

respects steering wheel and fair view of Planet Calypso AB (publ) 's
Financial stall at 31 deeember 2012 and by <less
fi ansiel a result _at fur s. t E_? written _arsredo.visnings_lag n Forvaltnmgsberattelsen s forenhg with arsredoVIsnmgens other parts.
I tmstyrker Therefore au AGM faststaner resultatriilmingen and balance shaving.
Report on other requirements under the laws and f6rfattningar

Furthermore, in addition to my audit of the financial statements, I have lives utfiirt an audit of the research team to the appropriation of the profit
Not much more information than we already could get from the MA annual report. Planet Calypso AB did a
5 061 183 SEK profit.

Maybe the most interesting information is the sale (turnover):

Gross Income from the parent company (MA).......... 18 812 006
Profit sharing to owners of Calypso Land Rights.......- 5 683 142
Other internal sales within the Group.......................... 93 174
Total sale...................................................... 13 222 039
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