profession standings


Jul 3, 2005
I would like to have the profession split up to the different kinds of jobs you can choose.

So i want to see my profession standing in:
hunting, mining, crafting, tailoring, beauty, mindforce

So i would have 6 profession-standings, ordered from the highest to the lowest.

Cause right now, i can´t see my prof standing in mining and crafting, and those are jobs i prefer, but if started as hunter and all 3 standings are blockated through the hunting standings, and it makes me sad that i have to wait some weeks/month until my mining/crafting standing is better than my hunting.

It makes me even impossible to now when this will happen, cause i don´t know all skills that affect those standings
i agree with you schnups.
im a miner since 4 month and i still only see my hunting pro standings :(