Pyrite Claim Data


Nov 16, 2012
Avatar Name
Sean Rocket Connors
I've cycled a few thousand ped on each of calypso's PVP areas for pyrite. Below is the distribution of ore-only drops at 900m w/ d-class amps.

noob rig - 4.2%
ashi - 7.6%
pvp3 - aegis mound 8%
argus pvp - 8.2%
pvp4 - 6.3% (large area - probably need to spend a full week here)


pyrite appears to be very evenly distributed now
didn't appear to be on any sort of wave as previously observed - seemed more rng-based
really didn't feel like i was getting enough of it despite multis being possible on pyrite again


1) pyrite was mostly concentrated to a small 500x500 square East of Aegis Mound for the last 12+ months - we all enjoyed cheap enhancers while a group of 5-6 players predominantly controlled the region with the off-hand russian exploiter inbetween

2) there is nowhere near enough pyrite based on my data - doesn't mean i have all of the info because i don't, but holy shit enhancers are about to see 400% again if this isn't altered.

3) less concentration means people can't control the spawn, but it also opens the gate for more of our favorite miner's bots to wreak havoc on the community risk-free like he's done to ark.

I think MA had the right idea with the distribution, but lootable pvp needs to have an edge for the risk taken, and the rates of pyrite being found are too low to sustain the hunting market. the market was missed imo.

strategy for miners:

pvp hopping - get 2-3 claims of pyrite in an area then leave and go to another calypso pvp area - better yet just go to ark lootable and farm it there without restriction.
Thanks for doing the work. Hope a drastic change comes quickly to get enhancer prices under control for mayhem. 200% was the ideal cost for damage enhancers imo and made every day enhanced hunting possible.
Thanks for doing the work. Hope a drastic change comes quickly to get enhancer prices under control for mayhem. 200% was the ideal cost for damage enhancers imo and made every day enhanced hunting possible.
Yeah at 200% i would use my T6 fully enhanced every day, at these prices, might not even use during mayhem.....
Thanks for doing the work. Hope a drastic change comes quickly to get enhancer prices under control for mayhem. 200% was the ideal cost for damage enhancers imo and made every day enhanced hunting possible.
wasn't a ton of dropping so the margin of error here is pretty immense. didn't hang around the spot east of aegis for too long, just a few hours today. but coul;d have been a bad time to mine there.
pvp hopping - get 2-3 claims of pyrite in an area then leave and go to another calypso pvp area - better yet just go to ark lootable and farm it there without restriction.
This is a good idea but there's one thing I noticed about Arkadia lootable zone. There's often idle avatars standing at the TPs closest to the red zone, which is weird, what I think they do is that they are part of a team (potentially alts) and they tag you when they see you going into the zone, and when the main avatar comes by to loot you he knows your exact position. I'm not sure of this but better not take any unnecessary risks when there's idle avatars standing near the red zone and you don't have adequate protection, this is how I got looted in there, it was a small amount but the experience was still unpleasant.