Quality or Quantity when skilling?


Nov 18, 2006
I somehow got my hands on a Standard Damper-bp with 100 QR (I really dont know where I got it, might've been lying around on the ground, I have No idea what so ever..) so I've started clicking to get my skill up.

But I cant figure out whether I should go for Condition or Quantity to get the most skill. I havent really noticed any difference, but it feels like condition should give you more skill, for some reason.

Is there any numbers or something that shows what gives the most skill compared to the amount of peds that you get out of it?
Not sure if its true or i made it in my mind, but i think i saw a thread like 2 years ago that more QR the BP has then you get worse skillgain. Dunno about quality/quantity though, imo it doesn't matter.
Standard damper is TT food.

If I`m going to skill on it - I would do on full condition because you get more residue in that way.
And residue sells pretty fast on auc for arround daily mu.
Another question

Yes, there is clearly a difference in the product/residue-ratio, condition gives u more residue and quantity gives you more product. My question is if the expected TOTAL tt-return (residue+product) is the same wherever you put the slider. So far over a small samplesize I've had better total tt-returns when doing full condition than full quantity.

on a very large samplesize you will have the same percentage of tt-turnover back

But with the same amout of materials you can do slightly more clicks when you craft on quantity, because you get more materials back on "near success clicks" -->resulting in more turnover and more skills (but less residue)
People keep talking about "in the long run it evens out", all the time.
The problem is, u never know when. Sometimes some peeps makes it sound so safe, which it is Not.
Sometimes it evens out too late, u know how I mean ;)
If skilling is your goal the craft on quantity, the biggest reason its safer for your pedcard and u can craft longer/ped .....probably.

...unless money isn´t a problem for u, then theres a whole different thing.
