Question: Scamming method exposed to support

Well, like others have said, MA may decide there is no evidence of shillbidding in a particular case. But also, just because they don't decide to revert the auction doesn't mean they'll do nothing. MA don't typically publicise bans, it doesn't mean they don't happen.

In general, it's tough for MA to revert an auction in the way you describe. There's no easy way to be sure that someone else wouldn't have bid if the alleged shillbidder hadn't. At the end of the day whoever won the auction made a voluntary choice to bid the price they did. I'd say shillbidders are more detrimental to the community as a whole, and to the reliability of market histories, than to any one individual.

You are certainly right and your post, and some other intelligent opinion i had read here, opened my mind on this problem, which is not so easy to solve.
So may be you are right and the answer of support is not so negative as i thought.

About the 2 guys who talk about a completly different subject : Their is no difference between putting an item with a 1 000 000 million ped BO (i dont think lot of us have this value on their pedcard) and to put it without a BO. Most of errors i saw btw was some auction without BO and people who did not check carrefully had empty their pedcard trying to bid on the item and thinking it was same BO than the next or previous line of the auction. You can search on this forum, you will find many screens of people crying they had made a bid that empty their pedcard on an item without BO ...
MA promished an alert long time ago if you are trying to bid an auction that completly empty your pedcard (because many people did this error with no BO). I think they even announced in a VU information but finally they did nothing (i hope i am not wrong, i am too lazzy to look all VU news info, it was 1 or 2 years ago). I think this can be solved with a special red window flashing and saying "The bid you are doing is going to empty your pedcart, are you sure you want that ?".
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Forum answered me fast, and they answered in the same way many of you explained me their feeling about this situation.
So as i said in my previous post, you are certainly right (even if it is sad).

As promished here is the answer of the support :


It's not okay to use multiple avatars to increase the price for items.

The fact that the transaction was not reverted doesn't mean that an investigation was not conducted or that no proper action was taken.

Cameron | Planet Calypso Support