Scroll Bars in Privte Chat


Jan 24, 2007
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Dave Devil Devil
The scroll bar in the privte chat dont work as they should.
I think you all know what i mean and its a pain in the arse when you have to drag the bar a little before being able to use your scroll wheel on the mouse.

I know its only a small thing but i hope this can be fixed in the next VU.
I'd say you're better off filing a support case. Then they have it in their support software and might do something about it. But don't take it too hard if it will take a year or two until they do it ;)
I will file a support case on this right now. I've been dealing with it for a while without realizing it really is a bug. For that matter, all of the widgets in EU are awful. The up and down arrow buttons are always much smaller than they need to be, the auction buttons now require you to click on the actual arrow, not just the button, and the sliders in all the windows are jumpy, hard to grab, and generally rubbish.

So, yeah, time to submit a bug report. :p

While you're at it, mention that cut and paste is available through windows framework and isn't that hard to implement, nor is a text buffer that doesn't drop characters every time a word wraps.