Sector A1

Sw4g MaSt3r

Mar 25, 2018
United Kingdom
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Sw4g MaSt3r
I am looking for a group that run Sector A1. I have an idea of what goes down but have never run it. Even a one off run through would be beneficial 😊.
I am active on discord and able to join voice coms. I can post my dps for ranged but I try to melee as much as I can atm. Willing to invest in any gear that I would need. Thanks for reading my post 😁
Not sure what info is out there, but you will need about 300-400 DPS on the low side to get past the first room, the DPS check room. This can be collectively, so if you have 4 people with 100 DPS then you should be able to finish it.

Oh, and there is a terminal that will give you a DPS boost, you just need to bring materials to open it and get the buff.

Best of luck!
Ran my first Sector today went ok still looking for a consistent team
Still looking for people that run RDI.
I cant seem to receive the daily for the contract to kill from NPC Balodis. is there a pre requisite mission I need to do or something?
You need to do missions completing A1 and B1 to unlock daily
So.... If any pre made teams wanna let me tag along on a B1 run pls hit me up. I have the gear. Just need to get B1 done so I can start working on my back pack.
Still looking for a consistent team running these. people be too anti social here lol