Skildek Decimator - What Does It Drop From ?


Feb 4, 2012
Behind You
Stockholm Syndrome
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Charley Moondog 1969
I am an avid user of Rocket Launchers, currently using the Skildek Decimator (L).

According to wiki they drop from Longtooth. I am an avid hunter of Longtooth, migration is my favourite event. I have never had a Skildek Decimator drop from any Longtooth and I have hunted all the Maturities.

Everyweek I am able to purchase Skildek Decimators on the Auction.

So where do they come from ??

Any ideas would be appreciated

As Nik-Elas said Neomex drops it. It is not a usual drop but over a week you usually loot several of them. I think a lot gets recycled when MU in auction drops too low.
I am an avid user of Rocket Launchers, currently using the Skildek Decimator (L).

According to wiki they drop from Longtooth. I am an avid hunter of Longtooth, migration is my favourite event. I have never had a Skildek Decimator drop from any Longtooth and I have hunted all the Maturities.

Everyweek I am able to purchase Skildek Decimators on the Auction.

So where do they come from ??

Any ideas would be appreciated

I recycled a decimator just last week. can confirm it drops from neomex watcher and soldiers. its an uncommon drop. took me i think 1k kills to loot one. along with an ece 150 L
Yeah I loot tons of decimators from neomex
The lowest maturity neomex I have looted decimator from is watcher. From my hunting of neomex, the watcher (lowest maturity not counting weak since you don't spawn weak neomex) has most of the loot pool shared with the bigger neomex (however, I cant say this about the UL items). I barely hunted the weaks so I don't know if they also share the same loot pool or not, but my guess is that since they don't need pheromone, their loot table is different.
I feel like a noob - I have been looking at the (UL) bit (L) this whole time. Thank yo for all the responses
The lowest maturity neomex I have looted decimator from is watcher. From my hunting of neomex, the watcher (lowest maturity not counting weak since you don't spawn weak neomex) has most of the loot pool shared with the bigger neomex (however, I cant say this about the UL items). I barely hunted the weaks so I don't know if they also share the same loot pool or not, but my guess is that since they don't need pheromone, their loot table is different.
correct. their table is different.
I feel like a noob - I have been looking at the (UL) bit (L) this whole time. Thank yo for all the responses
Well, you are a noob so.... :p
Well, you are a noob so.... :p
Yeah Yeah Boss Lady, I know, but it has been doing my head in for ages and now I have an answer. Anyway no time for Neomex atm as Migration has just kicked off