So, how was is for you?


Nov 12, 2005
In the Auction House, selling my shit.
Avatar Name
Trinity Dusk Trinity
So, how was it for you?

The robot war and treble skills event seems to have passed off. How did you find it?

Viewed from my own standpoint, I wasn't able to loot a single one of the special parts that would enable me to claim a set of Protector of Empire armour. I dropped around 3.5k bombs while I lost track of the amount of ammo I used. My own society were working together to try to get a set and had acquired perhaps 18 of the total between us, although not the all important red banana.

That said, as someone who considers themself these days to be principally a miner, the event was a good excuse to both mine and hunt. MA provided mobs that were new to me at readily accessible places. And provided them in large numbers. This, coupled with the accelerated skilling, enabled me to jump from a level 32 Laser Pistoleer (Hit) to a level 34. I also jumped from 127 HP to 129 HP, gained over half a level in Agility and close to two levels in Prospector. So in that respect the event has been well worthwhile. All of these would have taken literally months at any other time, and I hope MA make this an annual thing, although not necessarily with a robot storyline.

At the locations where the battle took place something that struck me was the regularity that I saw things in the local chat window like "thanks for the heal" or "thanks for the help". Often I'd see just "thx" - obviously someone displaying their gratitude for a good act by others. I was regularly assisted by complete strangers when I was having problems. Sure, I also saw the occasional accusation of kill stealing - that is always likely to happen where there's a state of chaos, whether it was malicious or not. However, on the whole what I witnessed reminded me that, in general, we have a great bunch of people in this game.

I'll admit that at this point that my deposits probably trebelled, but only because we had been presented with such a great opportunity to skill and let off some steam. I had a huge amount of fun - ultimately that is why I am here.

At the end, the great bot Scylla was never likely to be killed by me or my society. I heard someone say that it had 45k HP. Ditto for The Eviscerators with 28k HP. But I feel that MA have catered for most, if not all, standards of player in this event.

If I had one more critisism, we were told that the event was for hunters, miners and crafters alike. However, I know of only one instance of someone finding a special part in mining loot. And of my society's collection, only one of those came from crafting. Perhaps it was the shear amount of effort going into hunting that dictated this, or maybe many have dropped from mining and crafting but people haven't reported this. But whatever the reason, hopefully MA could balance this better in future.

To summise,

  • MA gave us a load of new bots to play with, at accessible locations.
  • MA gave us an opportunity to skill at an accelerated rate.
  • We got a story that was relevent to events that were occuring ingame.
  • We got a quest, something that I've not seen in EU before now.
  • And last but not least, I (we?) had fun.

I know that I for one will look forward to this being an annual, if not regular, event.

But don't just take my word for it. What did you think of it?
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The robot war and treble skills event seems to have passed off. How did you find it?

When it comes to story and such, it was good.

When it comes to spawns, in seems that from time to time the spawns weren't dimensioned after the number of hunters; from time to time in Hadesheim there were sometimes 50 hunters chasing around 15 robots, leading to voluntaty or unvoluntary killstealing. I leave it up to others if "professional" killstealing is ok, it's just that I can't afford bigger guns than what I have and what I loot, so areas where killstealing is the rule is not for me.

(I see the "bosses" at zychion are a special case - I guess pretty much everyone who were near them shot at them, even if the chance of getting a part of loot is zero there was at least a part of the glory.)

When it comes to rewards, I can see theese point of views: First, few special items for Crafter/miner (slither), and then from my point of view, most of the "carramone" armor was looted by level 20+ societies, and when it came to PoE, I have a feeling that it will be the wallet that in the end decides who's going to get a set. Primarily who was able to loot the "contraction unit", and secondarily, who has the resources to gather the other 20 looted parts. A mentioned pricetag of 85k ped for the contraction unit makes it a potentical treasure chest for the looter(s) in terms of PEDs - but rather hard for "normal" players to have a shot at the set.
I had to work during practically the whole event, but i had 4 frenzy hours each of the 4 days i was able to attend!
Oh prepare yourself for a whine post if U wanna call it that...

I did on average 16 hrs a day through the 17 days...
In these days I did get 32 lenses and 8 of them others... and 0 contraction units.

I lost between 10-15.000 PED

But worst of everything: I experienced lots of so called ubers kill stealing, shitting on other people and dragging tons of mobs on lower skilled people - including myself - so we got tons of extra decay. Some dragged uber mobs like warlocks to us, some was standing in the middle of drone swarm and skilling decoys, some others was just plain assholes that stole lower dps peoples mobs. Then there was like 50 people I reported for standing or running into mob swarm for dodge skilling and agroing tons of mobs on us..

Its been a fuck you Tom event, basically - I got skills and I like that, but I would rather just have had my 90% return instead of 30% returns - hunting an fucking Contraction unit - that in the end anyway ended up in either so called ubers that fucked other people - or resellers.

Lemme give points..
Storyline: 10/10
Community working together: 2/10 - only thanks to ppl like Faye fapping and skilling firstaid / bio. but heavily dragged down by people acting like assholes and threating other average caring ppl as mob agro material.
MindArk's management: 1/10 - bad spawn, bad information, late info that lenses wasnt anything at all... and not appering and acting on dickweeds ruining it for other ppl
Skillgain: 10/10 - but I'd rather have loot and chip in instead... Instead of paying for skills I gained "naturally"...

Overall I'd say it was a disaster..

Now feel free to give me negative reps...
I enjoyed the event, mostly due to all the fun team hunts our soc had.

I think the thought behind splitting Protector of Empire armour prize into 21 parts was good. This way it was possible for players at different levels to take part. Potentially the prize money would also have been spread out a bit.

Unfortunately the drop rates of the different parts was not very well balanced (imho). In the end the event turned out to be "loot a banana, get a PoE in return", since all other items sell for little more than TT.

I would have prefered if the 15 "low end items" had a market value of approx. 400 PED each (big global/small HoF), the five "medium items" approx. 2000 PED and the "high end item" around 14000 PED.

Note: In the above calculation I have valued the PoE armour at 30000 PED (after the event). If it turns out to be valued higher all numbers should be scaled up accordingly.
For me it gave a good story around using the x3 bonus to boost my rifle skills up a lot.
Also the society event with which we tried getting all parts was much fun until it became clear that the red banana was too difficult to get hold on.

It might by far not have been a good event in comparison to for example the World of Firepower, but Hurrikane has collected much experience through the Festival of Firepower and in regards to his understanding what makes a good event Mindark is just too unexperienced.

This is the main thing I believe to be hampering events conducted by Mindark, they just do organize such events far too rarely.
Also this is why I believe the more Mindark will hold events of all sizes, with or without prizes, the more experience they will collect.

The interaction displayed by Mindark staff was great and collecting feedback about how to change robot spawns and really following good suggestions was like a breath of fresh air.

I was already very happy with the skill gains I managed to get, but we all will have won in the long run by Mindark staff learning a lot about how to conduct an event.
My hopes are up to see many more quest and or storylike things in the future.
I gave my comments about the event some time ago, addressing Entropia events as a whole, and you can find it here.

I was actually really disappointed with the ending. There was so much gearing up for it...and then it was a one boss fight that, though needed a lot of guns (and definitely some uber ones) was so short lived...after days of decoding...hunting... and anticipating.... :(
Oh prepare yourself for a whine post if U wanna call it that...

I did on average 16 hrs a day through the 17 days...
In these days I did get 32 lenses and 8 of them others... and 0 contraction units.

I lost between 10-15.000 PED

But worst of everything: I experienced lots of so called ubers kill stealing, shitting on other people and dragging tons of mobs on lower skilled people - including myself - so we got tons of extra decay. Some dragged uber mobs like warlocks to us, some was standing in the middle of drone swarm and skilling decoys, some others was just plain assholes that stole lower dps peoples mobs. Then there was like 50 people I reported for standing or running into mob swarm for dodge skilling and agroing tons of mobs on us..

Its been a fuck you Tom event, basically - I got skills and I like that, but I would rather just have had my 90% return instead of 30% returns - hunting an fucking Contraction unit - that in the end anyway ended up in either so called ubers that fucked other people - or resellers.

Lemme give points..
Storyline: 10/10
Community working together: 2/10 - only thanks to ppl like Faye fapping and skilling firstaid / bio. but heavily dragged down by people acting like assholes and threating other average caring ppl as mob agro material.
MindArk's management: 1/10 - bad spawn, bad information, late info that lenses wasnt anything at all... and not appering and acting on dickweeds ruining it for other ppl
Skillgain: 10/10 - but I'd rather have loot and chip in instead... Instead of paying for skills I gained "naturally"...

Overall I'd say it was a disaster..

Now feel free to give me negative reps...

Unfortunately i totally agree, it was another disaster (despite good points on story line, new bots, and the skill increase ... i lost few k ped so considering how i play, loot was really worse than normal), nothing was done about the killstealing, and the prizes weren't available for most ppl. I hope they learn something from this event, but having seen the same mistakes time and time again in previous events, i assume they just like it this way :(
For me it was a success far beyond my expectations.

7K+ skills gained, 3 HP's, 7k+ peds profit, 2 unlocks, lost count of number of gains in pro-standing levels.
But worst of everything: I experienced lots of so called ubers kill stealing, shitting on other people and dragging tons of mobs on lower skilled people - including myself - so we got tons of extra decay. Some dragged uber mobs like warlocks to us, some was standing in the middle of drone swarm and skilling decoys, some others was just plain assholes that stole lower dps peoples mobs. Then there was like 50 people I reported for standing or running into mob swarm for dodge skilling and agroing tons of mobs on us..

Lemme give points..
Storyline: 10/10
Community working together: 2/10 - only thanks to ppl like Faye fapping and skilling firstaid / bio. but heavily dragged down by people acting like assholes and threating other average caring ppl as mob agro material.
MindArk's management: 1/10 - bad spawn, bad information, late info that lenses wasnt anything at all... and not appering and acting on dickweeds ruining it for other ppl
Skillgain: 10/10 - but I'd rather have loot and chip in instead... Instead of paying for skills I gained "naturally"...

Overall I'd say it was a disaster..

Now feel free to give me negative reps...

agreed, I had massive losses got so frustrated at the KSing I didnt even try Z after my first few attempts there are only so many times I Can

"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"
"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"
"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"
"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"
"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"
"tag, shot, shot, shot, FAP, stolen"

logout fucking pissed off

BUT I have to say the stuff MA was in control of was good

Storyline: 10/10 - BEST YET and makes me feel excited to see the future

Community working together: 1/10 - it brought out the selfishness and nastyness of alot of players, much more so than previous events

MindArk's management: 8/10 - I thikn it wasnt too bad, remember the crap that used to pass for events? well this was the first of the new gen events and considering how crappy it could have been it wasnt ALL THAT bad lol

Skillgain: 10/10 - agreed, I absolutly loved this and hope its not the last time we see multiple gains !!!

EDIT: oh and I think alot of people just ignored they're returns and kept on going when loots were utter shit , it might be a war but come on if your loosing 1k / 2 hours then dont fucking hunt em
I liked it a lot :yay:
I had great fun, and got a lot more skill than usual.

Looted ~8 event items lenses and chargers... A shame they turned out to be worthless (almost).
But no surprise there.

Still a great event. I had really missed those robot attacks. I hope we'll see more of them soon. ;)
I was getting level ups left and right! I got up to 14 laser sniper! :yay: I mine all the time, I wanted to raise my fighting skills so I could defend my claims. I got to kill my first tezlapods and argonauts, and got a picture perfect save on a longu. Very lucky that one, I'd aggro'd it too close to the turret and fired the killing shot a milisecond before the defense turret would have gotten it! :wtg:

^^ and got to bag my own bot, a teeny tiny spiderbomber at Ft. Troy. Not much loot but.... my computer kept lagging when I approached the bot areas. ;.;
The event was

- painfull: I died so often, the revival terminal was glowing red hot from restoring me over and over and over
- expensive: three months of budget blasted away in the 10 days i could be around
- annoying at times: being a low level hunter, I could only hunt at troy, where it was too busy
- fun more often: just watching the massacre at hades was a fun way of passing time
- depressing: I didnt achieve my goal
- comforting: I did, however, manage to get about 30 or more levels and a few rankups

in short: like EU as a whole, it had its ups and downs, but it managed to revive my interest in the game (which had decreased over the last few months), and it has made me see the FUN of entropia again!
It was a cool event in my opinion.

A much needed shakeup, to break the usual stagnation, that's been plaguing EU for the last half year or so.

Personally I advanced my avatar a fair bit, looted some of that "exceptional" robot junk too, and managed to sell early for good PED.

Didn't compete for the midlevel mobs, too much killstealing bullshit, and network lag.

Overall, I would rate the event as a success. It made me play EU after a lengthy break :)
The event was huge fun and the skill gains were a great bonus. Amazing work by Spikey, Aia, Mora, MityDawn and others, cracking the robot transmissions here on the forums. This was really the sort of thing I've been waiting for ever since I started playing this *game*. Interesting and complex story line, an impossible battle against a technologically superior enemy, politics, team work and damn good fun.

However, it kind of just petered out in the end didn't it? I didn't get to see the big boss bot because I live in the arse end of the world and EU events rarely coincide with reasonable hours here. The big political angle just evaporated with Caramone's interview and the robots never really mounted a decent attack on anything. They mostly just stood around waiting for someone to run up and start shooting them (perhaps the exception is the couple of drones I found hanging around in the Troy bar). Inexplicably, the bots primary target seemed to be the already ruined city of Zychion Citadel. Not a bad location I suppose but I wouldn't have picked it as a very good strategic target. I was kind of waiting for the big attack where they come storming into the towns and cities and shut down the revivals or something but I guess that was never really going to happen.

Anyhow, cool event MA. Hope we see much more of this kind of thing in the future.
i tried to take part ... but got sick of dodge skillers that agroed tons of mobs
and ppl trying to KS ...the decay on fap/armor really sucked

i resumed my old hunting and enjoyed the skill gains :)

overall it was not bad it was quite a success imo it is a shame that the ppl ruined it so maybe next time before blaming MA we should look in our own backyard .....
I wish you were rite about this. I did deposit roughly ~10Kpeds. Did loot 5 lenses in total. Had about 4-5 globals.
A old socmate did get the banana just after 2-3 minor hunts total during the event. Does it hurt? LIKE HELL!

And yes. I do whine. I think i have the rite to do so.

, and when it came to PoE, I have a feeling that it will be the wallet that in the end decides who's going to get a set. Primarily who was able to loot the "contraction unit", and secondarily, who has the resources to gather the other 20 looted parts.

And yes. KS did suck.. so i did the same. its not in my nature to do so, but i needed to get something back.

And then we have the Di**heads who just ran into huge spawns.. Just because then can. Very sellfish. -rep to them.
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I thought it was a great event. I liked the storyline and the actual appearance of Carramone and I thought the Carramone armor drops were a nice touch as well.

I made some PED and spent some PED. I only looted 3 lenses but it was 3 more than I thought I would get :laugh:. I also got a decent boost to my skills and my robot parts inventory.

I was surprised at how actually lag free some of the areas were except Hades for some reason it was always a bit laggy for me.

Yeah there was KSing and numbnuts TPing into the big spawns but what can one expect with that many avatars in one area, that many mobs, and the lag in some places. Plus everyone was looking for the parts for PoE and other items in the bot loot.

It was entertaining so I did not mind spending some PED its a whole helluva lot better than losing PED in the normal daily grind. I enjoyed myself even though towards the end I got a little tired of killing robots but I tried CND and TI for a change of pace.

I actually got to team hunt with people I never thought I would team hunt with which is kind of nice to see them in a different light than just forum posts and PVP rivals.

The Eomon and Robot invasion events were definite upgrades to the past events and it looks like the Merry Mayhem will be improved as well. Its a good thing since MA or FPC hosted events like this should get better given time.
Totally great event, if you dont like bots (like i do) it didnt matter much because of the 3x skills, wich was awsome. Let me rate as you others did....

Storyline: 5/10 - good, but not that good. However, best yet.

Community working together: 4/10 - Bad but not that bad. some ksing and such stuff but overall people were atleast friendly to me.

MindArk's management: 8/10 - very good. making that wormhola out of zychion was a great idea :D and changing/fixing spawns, great presance on the forum answering silly questions over and over... :) some things could have ben better though, like the lagg in the beginning... (however except that lagg was defiently not an issue, just as during the longtooth/eomon event, atleast for me.)

Skillgain: 10/10 - Totally epic. This way EVERYONE got something out of this event, even if you didnt get any poe parts. (Except the fun out of killing alot of new and rare robots ofcourse :) )

To summarise, all in all, EPIC.
Hmm, the event was rigged as all MA:s events. The pyramidescheme in EU really shows it self under events. No need for a really large pice of the Playerbase to takepart in them.

I have just as fun teaming with my soc against hoggs or kreltins as against thoose robots, so nothing speciall there.

To many greedy players ingame, BUT a big +rep to thoose that actually helped people!

The 3*skillgain was fun, bringed back old memorys.

I wished i could be naive, i wished i had rosecolored glasses to put on, but i aint that kind of person.
Got some Dodge, killed some bots, got a coupla little TT Globals.
Never even hoped to find anything good -- I'm not gonna depo $1ks and
$1ks and spend 23/7 killing bots for weeks just on the off chance I'd get one out of the fifteen separate parts needed.

I must say in all fairness though, it was a truly Epic event in the history of EU. Congratulations to FPC for pulling it off.
I went for vacation a few days before the event started, and came home the same day it ended :mad:

All I got from this was 20 hours on a very bad wireless hotel internet connection, with just to much lag :mad:

MA really had a bad timing for this event,,,,,, ,or was it me :ahh: ;)

Hopefully there is more 3X skillgain events to come.
well, I gained over 5k in skills (and probably more like 7k), about 4HP's, found 3 lenses, 1 hyper-charger, and profited 7k peds: 1 hof, 8 glows.

For me, an unqualified success.

Seems like EU in general, there is no middle ground. You do well, or you do badly.

The skill seems to be to be able to recognise which you are doing, and either stop, or carry on, depending on how you are doing. I was doing OK, so I carried on. Then I hof'ed, then I stopped. ;)
I gave my comments about the event some time ago, addressing Entropia events as a whole, and you can find it here.

I was actually really disappointed with the ending. There was so much gearing up for it...and then it was a one boss fight that, though needed a lot of guns (and definitely some uber ones) was so short lived...after days of decoding...hunting... and anticipating.... :(

There was a 'boss' lvl?

How did I miss that?

I love 'boss' lvls


Chers, Nobleone :beerchug:
It started quite ok for me , but then it sux.. I dont see I am getting 3x skillgains for a few days. Only 3x more decay : )
Wrote a supportcase for it and got a standard reply : )
In overal robotwar sux, the decay on gears was really huge. Much more than hunting trox : )

Skillgain is good :yay:

Decay is very very bad :mad:

Loot is quite bad, the drones only gave a fraction back to us. The extra skills dont cover the bad loot I think. :(
Except you are skilling Bio at Swampo or hunt Molisk :rolleyes: