Tantardion Master Coat


Dec 11, 2006
For those who may be interested how it looks like :).

Male one colored by Sarah with umber and yellow (after vu9).
I asked my socmate Floy to pose in her uncolored female one for comparison ;).


All female outfit (except for the desert walkers, of course) is an uncolored tantardion. Male rancher hat is tantardion skinned too and colored with the same colors as the coat. Male tantardion storm jeans are uncolored.
My favourite skin for a coat.

I have an Umber/Light Green one coloured by Nadie if you want to get another pic of a coloured Tantardion Coat :)
Sure, would be interesting :). Was it colored before or after the VU9?
Since umber paint have changed drastically after it. I have the tantardion paris jacket that was colored before the vu, it's color still the same (before and after) but not even close to today's umber.
I also did one for Slapnuts in Umber and Brown which looked really really smart pre VU. Not sure how it looks now
Pre VU. I will grab a screenie later when I get in.