The reason why sweat prices are low


Jul 22, 2007
Project Entropia!
Southern Cross Training Centre
Avatar Name
Tyron Kader Verdana
First of all THIS IS NOT ANOTHER THREAD TRYING TO RAISE SWEAT PRICES. Im just stating why there low :)

The reason why you never see anyone buying sweat nowadays is that if you type "buying sweat 0.7 at boxes" one time, a mass of players will swarm around you. Last time i saw that happen the poor sweat buyer got owned by about 6 newbies :laugh: Thats why you dont see them anymore.. Think about it, if you saw someone say buying sweat at 0.7 wouldnt you rush to them and trade them? And then if you somehow where playing 6 characters, wouldnt u run to them? anyone else agree?

Also, yea im in the great sweaters. I know alot of people hate nep but i dont see why :confused: Hes a nice guy and hes got good grammar :) I guess people hate him because he shouts at 0.6 sweat buyers but i reckon its quite funny to watch :D Besides, i started a few weeks ago and it is VERY hard to start playing without depositing, thank god for my mentor cambu.. and Tock. Where are you Tock? :scratch2: Anyway, Nep is just trying to help newbies.
The reason why you never see anyone buying sweat nowadays is that if you type "buying sweat 0.7 at boxes" one time, a mass of players will swarm around you. Last time i saw that happen the poor sweat buyer got owned by about 6 newbies :laugh: Thats why you dont see them anymore..

True if you are talking about PA marketplace.

Yesterday I sold 1000 to a person who shouted 0,7 in chat - I was lucky to be 5 meters from that person.
No I will not tell you where and who it was. ;)

The real reason for the low price of sweat is:
High supply and low demand.

How we can change this situation ?
To increase demand we should convince as many new players as possible to become ME users - tell them how cool is to be able to teleport themselves, heal, inflict "magical" damage and even resurrect dead comrades.
SO everone ! Lets invite our rich lazy (we don't want them to become sweaters) friends who are fascinated by "magic" and all paranormal things ;)

To decrease supply we can convince as many new players as possible to do something else instead of sweating (depositing, tp running, general tourism, even invading the oil rig hehehe (sensible idea only if in very high numbers >100 at a time)).

Finally we can even make sweating much harder for newbies by:
Not teching them the proper technique.
Convincing healers to skill somewhere else or to heal only those who can pay with sweat (would be a big impact).
Convincing newbie hunters to train somewhere else (sweating alongside hunter means almost no dying (and no evade skills btw ;) ) - no dying means more time for sweating).

(I consider myself a decent person so i would rather not lower myself to using the last three methods.)
One more thing:
Price of Force Nexus !
More miners = more Nexus = cheaper Nexus = possibility to slightly increase Sweat price.
Also, yea im in the great sweaters. I know alot of people hate nep but i dont see why :confused:

Well I would not say that I hate him. but he never/rarely says thank you to anyone who heals or focus's him at Swamp camp. Manners are one thing that cost nothing.

Him telling Noobs to Sell for more that 0.6 is great. that only upset the reseller who depend on the new players to make money off.

So to get sweat prices up from where they are. yes more demand for ME. So the Supply is over take by the demand. but that will never happen to a degree of the amount of ME needed. unless everyone starts using wormhole chips to travel that is
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my personal though is that sweat prices are so low because more people are sweating and its just hmm the buyers think you pay 0.7 when people are happy with 0.6
if sweat price is 'low' for collectors then that forces them to quit or deposit.

if sweat price is 'high' for collectors they will continue to sweat.

it's how MA gets ppl to start depositing :money: (at a very basic level).