THX for a GREAT rig run :D

Nice to see someone other than the chosen ones get a little from the rig. Gratz!
loool Nika is aaalways evil with me indeed ;) Jk Nika ur lovely .... gg necros
Maby should get a Soc up, to protect RiggerNoobs like me.
To actually get some..For a small few ofcourse. Maby 20%..
hehe jeah was funny :yay:
What the hell, DD and Evo in same team, what is the world coming to!
Id be more surprised over DD/CK members in same team :D Though Ive seen it happen few pvp4 though
got a toal of 2.1k oil :)) , THX to all team members for protecting me and especially Nika and ENTROPIAS MOST WANTED. Shows up that Nika isnt that bad at all xD

unfortunately Belza pulled spiders at us D:

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ho has ever said Nika is Bad??? hehe Nika you should kill him just for suggesting that :silly2:
hehe awesome dude :) I remember my first trip to the rig :)