Trying to regain control of the society


May 27, 2007
Tax Collectors
Avatar Name
Emma Emerald Abbadon
Soaring Eagles can't add any new society members in the Entropia Tracker Society page. Unfortunately, whoever has the "leadership" in the entropia tracker system, is no longer playing. No one knows the password. We have no way to get the password.

My members are very upset that they can't have their finds be credited to the society. We recently had one member who logged about 40,000 ped of HOFs in just one day. We would be on the list as a mining society, but because we can't add new members, nothing happens. Please someone, help us get control of the society again.

I am the new leader, Emerald Emma Abaddon. I can't ask the person who can change the password to change it. We have no way to contact the oldest leader. He isn't even listed on the tracker as belonging, so we have no idea who the tracker thinks the leader is. If I get told one more time to have the leader change it, I am sure that Kazzzzza is not a human being.
mail starfinder :p

he is human i think..sometimes at least ^_°
Hi Emma,

First, congrats! From team hunts with you in the past, I'm certain that the Eagles are in good hands.

I'll bet Starfinder will be willing to look into this for you. My guess that a screenie of the Soc term overview screen for your Soc might speed the process.

If you would, keep us posted as to how this ends up. I'm certain that other Societies run into this kind of problem from time to time, and a known path may speed others to a solution.


Starfinder isn't that active ingame right now, but hopefully he'll see your message soon.
My problem is same. But i have not found solution.:(

Soaring Eagles can't add any new society members in the Entropia Tracker Society page. Unfortunately, whoever has the "leadership" in the entropia tracker system, is no longer playing. No one knows the password. We have no way to get the password.

My members are very upset that they can't have their finds be credited to the society. We recently had one member who logged about 40,000 ped of HOFs in just one day. We would be on the list as a mining society, but because we can't add new members, nothing happens. Please someone, help us get control of the society again.

I am the new leader, Emerald Emma Abaddon. I can't ask the person who can change the password to change it. We have no way to contact the oldest leader. He isn't even listed on the tracker as belonging, so we have no idea who the tracker thinks the leader is. If I get told one more time to have the leader change it, I am sure that Kazzzzza is not a human being.
You can always make a "new" society via tracker, and just call it Soaring_Eagles (for example), then have everyone leave the old one+join the new.
Glad you guys are doing well, I'd heard you had a wild one running around with big amps :p

I'm not sure about taking over leadership, but I also had problems with the password issue recently when Starfinder upgraded the tracker site.

Before we never had a password for our soc on tracker, but after the update no one was able to join until I created one.

I cant remember now, but I may have had to re-claim leadership after the update as well.

Its interesting that leaders aren't listed to the public only internally to the soc.
*Starfinder, Is this by intent, or is it a bug?*

hope you get it figured out,

Issue has been fixed now - was a mix up with spelling errors in avatar name hence not member of a soc and my mails assumed a correctly spelled avatar name.

Narfi: "Regarding the leaders are not shown on public lists". Its not a bug, nor on purpose. I never considered it simply because the "leader" on Entropia Tracker dosent have to be the ingame leader. Im thinking about changing it to "manager" as thats the role of this person. To manage the soc (kick members, grant manager rights.. and so on)...

In Supremacy Reign for instance, our "tracker leader" is not the ingame leader so the name might actually confuse more than it helps...

Yeah... I think I will change it to be listed as "manager" in the lists...
...and the sleeping giant has awakened... for benevolent purposes, even!

Thanks for helping Emma and for clarification on ET stuff!

OK, so you're a stealth giant then. *chuckle*

There would have been no problem if I had not stupidly made two accounts, one with a misspelled name. So when time went by, I tried to access and found my way into the inactive misspelled name account.

Good EyE on the part of the Entropia Tracker King.

I am now in control of the society and will start letting my new stars add their names.

Thank you Starfinder. You are brilliant!:yay::yay::yay:
My problem is same. But i have not found solution.:(

If you can be on at the same time as Starfinder and then pray he has a stroke of brillance again, you may get back in. I suggest you find out if you are in the correct account. If not, I would do as Alpha Geek suggested and send screenies of the society information to him to prove your leadership.
The problem is that actual leader can not be part of society, because ET dont leave him enter. I am founder and I am not leader today. But our leader is out from society in ET. And none of us know how he can enter. lol. :D

If you can be on at the same time as Starfinder and then pray he has a stroke of brillance again, you may get back in. I suggest you find out if you are in the correct account. If not, I would do as Alpha Geek suggested and send screenies of the society information to him to prove your leadership.
My problem is same. But i have not found solution.:(

I have set you as soc leader on your soc.... If anyone else should be leader/manager... please hand over the rights to that person... :)
I have set you as soc leader on your soc.... If anyone else should be leader/manager... please hand over the rights to that person... :)

I think i should be leader of the world can you fix it for me :D

Sorry just teasing ya :)....good work and nice to see you fixed the problems from the shadows +rep