You Will Never Achieve In A Video Game


Aug 7, 2006
real world
The President of the Olympics Committee Jacques Rogge has told The Times that in comparison with sport you will never be able to achieve anything by playing video games.

In an attempt to attract the younger generation to the Olympic Games, Jacques Rogge has inadvertently alienated gamers by saying:
"You won't hear me saying sport is not fun - it is. But it requires austerity and discipline. The answer is achievement. You will never achieve in a video game. It is not really success."


I think he is wrong.

Oh, wait!

I know he is wrong!
he never played entropia :) ..or any kind of game .. there are tons of ppl whom achieve in games .. they win world championships and stuff just like in sports i mean look at Counter-Strike or warcraft 3 dota championships .. hes totaly wrong
He's a goon

Hmmm, I guess I will have to write that guy a letter next. :D
I dont agrea with him either, there are several games that has turned into "sports" with tournament with high prises and so on.

EU however is not a game :D