The Eudoria Coast Walk


May 14, 2010
We are the Fish
Avatar Name
Crazy Fish

Welcome, dear reader, to my journal that will describe my experiences of walking the coast of Eudoria.

"Why do it?" I hear you ask. Well, why not. I have been travelling around Calypso for the last 18 months, mining, killing, being killed, racing, running, flying, swiming, boating and walking, and whilst the latter is an incredibly slow way of travel, it can be quite relaxing.

The other benefit is finding free money, in the form of stones, fruit and common dung.

The circuit of Eudoria is not without problems. These come in many forms, but "Trooper" and "Estophyl" are just a couple that immediately spring to mind. But there are ways around such problems.

So a few days ago I teleported to Ashi and started walking east. Although Ashi is not on the coast, it is one of my favourite teleporters, and walking through the PVP zone with no weapon or armour is a challenge, to say the least.


Ashi teleporter and mobile service centre

This first part of the walk was before I set my mind on the Coast Walk, but the challenge was to walk from Ashi to Nymphtown.

On a warm Calypso summer's day I headed east into the PVP zone, walking deliberately towards herds of Armax Bull and Atrox. Just as I entered the PVP zone I came across a small pile of Brukite - my first find of the walk.

The PVP zone had some traffic that afternoon - Crush flew overhead towards the oil rig, and I could see from my vantage point south of the rig that his plane was quickly destroyed. Not my problem, I thought, and continued east past abandoned storage crates and metal bridges spanning gullies.


The oil rig - from a safe distance

As I was approaching the start of the Armax and Atrox herd, Crush flew over again, heading for the rig. I called out to him "Hey Crush, have you got any weapons on that thing?", he changed direction, and headed towards me. "Yes :)" came the reply. Err, this may not have been the best of times to have anounced myself to him, but we exchanged a few words and he flew north again. "Go on, kill Anders", was my parting shot. Then he was gone, and I continued east.

The desert in the PVP zone gives no hiding place, but this also means you can see the beasties from afar. With no radar it was just experience that guided me through the herd, judging their distance by eye.

As I left the PVP zone, and still in the herd, I came across my second find - Bombardo. A tasty snack for an Armax Bull, but this one was mine.

So it was that I walked right through the Atrox and Armax Bull herd and continued towards Berycled, Snabbelsnot and Fugabarba. The recent changes to the radar meant that all of these appeared on my display, and I wondered if I would find a way through. The Berys were the ones to avoid, so this tended to push me slightly north of my intended route.

I was on the verge of thinking I would get through unscathed when a Berycled Guardian came out of nowhere and attacked. I ran. I had no idea what was ahead, but I just ran east. But soon my health was gone and I was revived just a short distance away, in the easterly direction in which I wanted to go anyway.

So ended the first section of my adventure. I rolled out my sleeping mat in a quiet corner of the outpost building, shut my eyes, and was soon dreaming of Atrox drilling for oil at the rig, and Berycled piloting Sleipnirs.
Craf, bit more work for you but why not add some images to illustrate your journey?

Maybe start by showing a screeny of the map with your starting point.

A photo diary of your coastal journey would be quite an interesting blog I think and would be a better record of your trip.
Oracle;bt3825 said:
Craf, bit more work for you but why not add some images to illustrate your journey?

Maybe start by showing a screeny of the map with your starting point.

A photo diary of your coastal journey would be quite an interesting blog I think and would be a better record of your trip.

Thanks. I will do that. I have added one picture already.
Oh nice one mate! :thumbup:

That first pic is very, very nice.

Best of luck!