Daikiba Steak


Old Alpha
Sep 25, 2007
Iunno, there's some grass and some rocks here...
Avatar Name
Alexander "Neutrino-X" Darkmoon

Dear diary,

It's been a while since I write anything here. The reason? Um, well, I kinda forgot I was keeping a diary at all. Anyway! I'm writing today so I can try and get out something out of my head.

It is no secret that one of the most sponsored activities by the Calypso Government is hunting. It has been like that since we arrived this planet. But, what started like something to do in order to preserve our lives, now has degraded into a mindless slaughter.

Now, I'm not saying I haven't hunted for fun before, oh no. In fact I've done it many, many times. It's part of me. All my memories I keep from the colony I came from, most of them involved me killing something with my bare hands, and eating raw meat, but then, in all cases, it was in order to ensure I would live another day, and not starve to death, never for fun. Which of course, seems ironic why I got so affected by this situation that happened a few days ago.

I wasn't feeling so well, so being tired of the "mummified bars" (That's the name I give to the dehydrated food, handed out by the Government) I asked a hunter to go fetch me some food at Atlas Haven. A few hours later, he comes back with a blood dripping bag of something. He opens it up in front of me, and reveals some strips of a brownish meat.

"What is this?"

"Food. Just as you asked. Daikiba steak."

"It seems to be a bit too much from a single Daikiba, specially considering there are mostly young ones here."

"Oh, it's from several of them." I was a bit shocked when he said that. Of course, I don't know how much from a Daikiba is actually edible, but I always thought it would be more than a small chunk of meat.

"How many?"

"About 60 of 'em." "Why so many?", I asked. "Oh, you'll see"- starts the hunter, -"I had to kill that many in order to get the best out of them. While most of the animal's meat can be eaten, just a small portion of it, located on the back, is tender enough for most dishes."

I didn't know what to think. Sixty Daikibas died, just for a small strip of meat, of a few inches long. That did put things on a perspective.

"At least... did they suffer?" I asked with a consterned look. "Oh no, of course not.", he said. "I have to kill them as quickly as I can, or else their meat gets bitter, and their oils start to degrade."

He was the hunter. That was his prey. I was consuming the carrion. Everyone had a role in the cycle of life. I paid the hunter the money for ammo and gun repairs, plus a small fee, went back "home", a lonely alley on Zychion, and I cooked my meal with my portable Omegaton stove. I can't deny I wasn't able to sleep that night.

Eventually that feeling of wrongness faded away. I went back to hunting as I always did, and I kept repeating myself that was their role. I was the hunter. They were the prey. That was their role.

Now I ponder, if as time passes by, I'm turning into something different. I think I'm becoming more... human.

Lady Carmenzita