Letum Kills Bridge SilverFox Investor In Carramone Armor


Nov 28, 2005
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Letum Mr Latro
This was fun hunting down and killing Bridge SilverFox Investor in his full set of Major Jenny Carramone Armor. Letum first seen SilverFox showing off his Carramone Armor in twins. Letum sent the info back to the robot commanders about this new member from Major Jenny Carramone's army, this under cover commander was posing as a freelancer. The robots ordered Letum to assassinate this Carramone member. Letum watched him getting on a flight to CND and Letum joined him on this flight up to CND. SilverFox was unaware that his life was now doomed for wearing any thing from that rotten human Major Jenny Carramone and her weak human army on Calypso. SilverFox got off at CND and went to his home there Letum waited for him to come out and he did, he was off to hunt Daspletors. Letum went on patrol to look for SilverFox. There was a green dot just on the edge of Letums radar. Letum was not sure if it was SilverFox, so Letum started a very slow advancement up to the Green Dot unable to see who the GD was Letum ran up to it and just as he got close a Daspletor was agroed by SilverFox. Letum looked for a line of sight to see who it was in the heavy vegetation. It was SilverFox trying to make the Daspletor kill Letum. Letum knew not to shoot tell he had his shot to not hit the Daspletor. SilverFox was Fapping with his uber fap and started to run from Letum showing his back to Letum. This would be known later as his biggest mistake as Letum Shot him 2 times to kill him. Let this be a warning to Major Jenny Carramone that she is next on the robots hit list.
