

Nov 29, 2005
Muddlin' Through
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David "Doer" Falkayn
Close on the heels of the Rippersnapper mission, I decided to complete the Longu Iron Challenge chain while MA was providing a free spawn of youngs.

Except for a weekend interruption for the member Argo Scout event, where I killed about 4271 argos without a global(!), this mission chain was completed consecutively and in about a two-week period. I had 2450 longus left when the spawn was removed, and finished up at Shavante, a TP I didn't have that was a fair piece from terra cognito. I didn't notice the effects of the 4% tax rate, with loot being enough of a rollercoaster throughout the mission to make a comparison based on tt return pointless.

I did a couple other regulars, Danimal and 008, out in the mission spawn frequently. It made for a bit less drudgery at times.

  • Output: 25k PEDs ammo through unamped imk2 (eco currently 2.94 dpp), most of it with Accuracy Enhancer I usage, and 26k PEDs total output. Armor and FAP decay were very limited (238 and 19 PEDs, respectively), and the majority of that decay was during the argo event. This was a very efficient mob to hunt in terms of the ratio of offensive to defensive costs. Longu youngs are quite weak, and I used my shiny dragon set with 5A plates to keep the kill rate up while minimizing decay.
  • Returns: The mission chain represented a 1.6kPED tt loss, for a tt return of 93%. The actual return is slightly higher because I didn't track the ammo burn of the amped P4a and amped Opalo finisher/spam mob exterminator.
  • Markup: Longu being the garbage mob it is, the only item of any notable markup I looted was a full tt Emik T10 (L) in my one HOF (347). The second best chunk of markup from a single sale is from the 157 skins looted, which sell for ~165%. The eye oil market was destroyed by the argo event, so most of it sold for an effective 1% markup after auction. The large quantities of basic leather extractors also sell for a good markup, but represent a small fraction of loot.
  • Other loots: I tted a couple dozen Chromatophore (L) arms and kept the two Aurora arms (L) I looted to use later. Longu still drop FAP-5s now and then and I also collected 31 useless claws. The harassment by the berys in the area led to a Provider global with a rather unusual garbage loot: an Odenfield Ventricle system.
  • Bragging rights: [wrap=right]http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28911&d=1339380117[/wrap]
    the 15 longu globals put me in third place for longus for the month on tracker (actually, 13 did, but I had two in a society team that would have secured the second spot)
  • Reward I evaluated the reward options as follows:
    • Dexterity (60 PEDs) for +0.7 Health, +0.18 Laser Sniper
    • Combat Reflexes (60) for +0.28 Health, +0.13 Laser Sniper, +0.48 Evader(!)
    • Rifle (65?) for +0.08 Health and +0.51 Sniper
    The CR was tempting for the nice Evader bump, but I really need to reach Commando and increase my effective dpp ASAP, so I took the Rifle.


I'm not happy with the tt return rate from this mission. With an effective economy of 2.94 and very low passive costs, I would have expected a better result. Of course, the lack of markup was expected to be a drain, but not looting a single small ESI is a bit of a kick in the teeth. I estimate about 150-250 PEDs total markup. I'll be dribbling batches of eye oil onto the saturated auction at just over 1% effective MU for a few more days, and will have to watch to sell some of the other loot because it's presently unsellable. I slowed down at the end, being more careful to finish, as the youngs are a bit small. I'm still getting a feel for the adjusted system with few no loots, and did not stop as frequently during poor loots as I would without a deadline on the spawn. The good news is, of course, that smaller mobs skill better, and I got a chunk of Rifle out of the deal. I gained 1.5 levels of Laser Sniper (about 0.5 from the Rifle reward itself), so that puts me that much closer to Commando and 3.0 dpp.

I will need to wrap up a couple other small mob Iron Challenges and then get serious about markup hunting. The return party is over; it's time to play ball.






Here's a summary of the hit rate during this hunting period.