Planet travels


May 16, 2006
Why So Serious
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Part one: Cykadia

Since 2 days I left Calypso to do some planetary exploration as a space noob. I did visit all the planets once when they opened up when I still had a spaceship, but couldn't be bothered too long since at opening time they were buggy as hell.

But now I was really and motivated to do some grinding and gain some mission rewards away from home.

Took my quad into spade an pointed it to Arkadia, after shot by a pirate a first time I arrived safe.

It seemed I arrived at Cyrene instead of Arkadia. My bad...

So I thought I'll give it a shot anyway.
After do some searching I found out there was one mission worth doing for the rewards : The Mang Chang chain could give me a nice stamina boost since I'm still at the noobish 12 which isn't a big accomplishment as I started off with 9...
I clicked some mission brokers at the arrival point without doing too much reading. Who reads those anyway?
But no Mang Chang mission yet.
Back to Entropedia to find the coords of the mission broker: A.R.C Challenger Franks located: Lon.: 129128 Lat.: 82636.
Great, besides there is no Lon.: 129128 Lat.: 82636....
The map coordinates only start at Lon. 131086... and the Lat ends at 81912.
So the entropedia seems to be out of date.

Maybe (The first link searching Google) could give me a way out. This is a horrible website that doesn't allow to select text nor right click on a link to open it in a separate tab and it seemed I need to register to view the map,... lets keep that effort as a last resort. I saw that the articles were 2013 and the map would probably be out of date anyway.

But I had a bunch of other mission that I clicked, and I know I need to end up at A.R.C HQ to find the mission broker.
So checked the mission and there was one "Getting Battle Ready" this one should bring me to the HQ! So 'Track' this mission and it points me to the 0x101 Supply Depot. (Why not call it 5 Supply Depot? :p )
I'm heading towards the direction until I realized that it points me 5400 meter north off the map.

That being said I do like the scenery and the towns, it gives me a bit the old Calypso feeling.

In the meantime I found there is a 0x101 Supply Depot teleporter. Taking and using it didn't advance my mission, the aim marker still points me off the map.

My 'Give a fuck meter' about planet Cyrene is rising fast...