Responsibility versus Ambition

Pirx Danford

May 17, 2006
Federation of Free Wanderers
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Pirx Danford
Hello again,

as last time I am talking about a commonplace matter.
For me it is a current experience, so this blog is also to clear my mind a bit.

How to start... well lets ponder on ambition.

Ambition is not a trait that has to be negative, as a matter of fact everyone has ambitions.
Its what drives us, to want to achieve something, the ambition to become a good miner, hunter or crafter.
Or the ambition to become a society leader, a famous artist or anything else special.

Often times its not even only the wealth for what people strive, but the approval and recognition of their peers.

As long as one concentrates on ambitions that are in fact only self fulfilment, like creating a painting, all is easy and the only critic of oneself is oneself.
But as soon as you put your work to the test by letting others view it, you will hear criticism, this is a first hurdle.

Many shrink back, when this happens, but this is a responsibility you have before yourself, which you have to face.
If you create something and let others in, be ready to receive criticism, else you are not ready to be responsible for your work, which effectively lessens the achievement you can gain from it.

This is the responsibility before yourself.

But the good news is that only you can get hurt if you fail.
Good you say? But I don't want to get hurt!
And exactly this way of thinking is what leads to another very ugly situation.

Many people with grand visions try to avoid being hurt like that by involving others.
Effectively we talk about society leaders that are bad for their society, or people that start a project and then leave all the work to others or let them down.

So what I want to say here is the important matter that if one starts a thing and sees he cannot pull it through:
- create milestones
- be realistic about goals
- reduce your expectations
and most important, if you can't pull it through step back!

Why do I ramble about that?
Because I lead a society, because I am confronted by it on my job and because being captain of a WoF team pushes me to my limits.

I don't want to hurt others, when I see that I am not good enough I will put my ambition behind the goal that is to be achieved.
At the moment I feel ready, but I constantly listen to my peers.

Do the same if you are in a similar situation - don't put your ambition above the needs of the group of people you involve;
or you will hurt them more than they deserve.

This is the end of this ramble
Pirx out