CGA Unlocked


Oct 19, 2007
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By-Tor "Lerxst" Rivendell
Finally unlocked CGA after 3 long weeks of pretty much non-stop dropping. I am more surprised I did not go broke during the last 3 weeks as a noob but the ups and downs surely wear on the nerves a bit.

Anyhow, I was going to unlock it on CND but mining was bad and I had a ton of ores and enmats to unload so I went down and figured I would unlock it on Calypso, it is Calypso Ground Assessment after all. I took 50 bombs to TI as I figured that should about do it. I was wrong and while I did hit a XIV 77 ped Cobalt I was not getting skillgains. It was late so I figured Sunday would be the day. I took 50 more bombs and headed N of Ithica. I had never been to the far N before. I will probably not be going back Very few claims and not many skills again.

So I sit there, looking at the pro standing bar, and it's damn close. I grab 50 more bombs and head for E of wolverine. I usually do OK here. As I drop I am still getting no skills. Then finally a few skills and some crappy III claims start popping. With 10 or so bombs left I see the green message, CGA Unlocked! Then...A claim...IX Copper :rolleyes: That is basically MA saying congratz on your unlock, here have some TT food. Whatever...Mission

Skilling up my guns is slow going. I had a good hunt in Dome 3 Friday night with an emikS30 but my god, hunting on the planet was just horrid. I tried Swamp Camp, E of PA, Atlas H and Camp Phoenix and the number of no loots was just bad. None the less the P1a is a nice little pistol and decays very little so this should get me through to the next SIB pistol no problem. My M2a is almost spent so I will need to find another low TT one soon.