Avodiance Unlocked


Oct 24, 2007
cK Coat Killers
Avatar Name
Hadlen Immortal Deity
While skilling blix on hoggs :)

Was able to nab the full blix off auction, went hunted didn't get much for a while(barely anything from drones+troopers). Got anice ~300ped hof off atrax, farmed some rippersnappers (don't ask) and before unlocking i grabbed a 240ped globie from the hoggs (lr48 again :) )

Not many globies but big ones.

...we'll see if we get teh moneyz back on the sword.. last time checked it was costing me 11 ped per hogg :\ i think i'm breaking even with it :eek: but it's half dead...probably burn the rest tonite :p (also increased a health point and a whole strength point skilling...might be able to get another one too :D

later killed a few seg but loot was rubbish in the first two (didn't really feel like wasting ped on them) so i stopped. Nice to know i can take up to three hits from them now :)