Been a while...

Skateboard T

Old Alpha
Dec 11, 2005
Avatar Name
Si Skateboard T Thomas
Wow, been a long time since i posted in here, almost a month agi by the looks of things. Well not much has really happened in game as i havent been on too much, and seem to be quite busy with real life and work etc and just hanging out with friends.

Well ive started mining again, and things got off to a pretty good start lol managed to global on my first run and then hof on my second run. I hadnt chipped out my skills tho, so i still have some skills but they are kinda low these days compared to ppl who i was ahead of before i stopped lol

I havent just been ore mining tho, im also starting to get more into enmatter mining too, but not had anything bigger than ample yet with that so no globals or hofs to report back on for ya im afraid, but hopefully its only a matter of time before they start popping up.

Ive kinda given up with the hunting on atrax park for neomaven's event as the loot for me there seems real shit everytime i visit. So lately i have just been killing the ambu's with a few random hunts on diff mobs. Globalled on a feff and formi since we last spoke....

But like i said, most of my hunts have been on ambu, and had a few globals on them.

cont in next post .......................