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  • it is fun, and I have to do it, since some people deserve it more than acceptable in a row. so do not be surprised of similar cases in the future :laugh:

    You can say i didn't read the thread, but my comment/post was based on some of the comments other users made before me. I understand the purpose of the thread wasn't whining and complaining but it's some of the users that want to steer it in that direction.
    Hi Xandra,
    i think u dont remember me, once u tried to help me find part of shogun armor. In molisks, which were far behind everything i could kill that time. It was very kind of ya and i was really happy seeing u to get hof like that. Especially while u helped newbies...again.
    Damn u deserved it. Big grats
    Thx a lot for recognizing; me is still completely "out of order" - never thought I'd ever get such myself.

    I just desperately tried to help the few new participants caught at Jason's, with the huge spawn there, and to open them a gap to be able to escape - and then suddenly got swirleyd ...

    Got a full TT LR41L in loot, exactly what I was lacking after I burned my prev one in the battle for Troy. And a sh*tload of heat sinks that I try now to get sold with at least some markup.

    Guess I'll get me some low level UL sword, like Embra C1, and the lacking 6A's. Got me an a104 yet - dreamed of this actually for some years, now I have!

    Me so happy!

    Have fun all, and best loot, too!
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