Dev Notes #21 - Tiering & Enhancer System Changes

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Jul 26, 2006
Dev Notes #21 - Tiering & Enhancer System Changes

In the upcoming Version Update 17.0, several changes and improvements have been made to item tiering and enhancers to make those systems easier to use and less expensive.

Our main goals for these changes are to increase usage of those systems (mainly by decreasing cost) and to stimulate increased crafting activity through increased demand for enhancers. Additional improvements to these systems are planned for upcoming Version Updates.

Tiering System Changes
  • Increasing the Tier Level and salvaging ingredients during the Tier Upgrade process are no longer skill dependent.
  • 100% of the Trade Terminal value of the ingredients required to increase the Tier Level of an item is now always returned in the form of Shrapnel.
  • A second decimal place has been added to item Tier Levels. After the Version Update, all existing items will have a 9 added in the second decimal place. For example, an item that currently has a Tier Level of 3.9 will have a Tier Level of 3.99 after the VU.
  • It is no longer necessary to drag items from inventory to the Tier Upgrade interface. Items from your avatar's Inventory as well as from an open Storage Terminal will automatically be used in the Tier Upgrade UI. Items in storage containers, vehicle inventories etc. will however not be used.
  • It is now possible to increase the Tier Level of an item in storage.

Tier Upgrade Profession
  • Given the change to the item tiering process described above, the Tier Upgrader profession will no longer have any purpose, and will be removed completely in early 2020. Any remaining Tier Upgrading skill points will then be converted to their corresponding Tier Upgrading Skill Implant value and compensated at a markup of 20000%.
  • In the meantime, anyone wishing to convert their existing Tier Upgrading skill points to PED can list Tier Upgrading Skill Implants on the auction and a MindArk Official avatar will periodically (once per week) buy any implants listed for 20000% markup or lower.

Enhancer System Changes
  • Enhancers inserted into (L)imited items will now break much less often.
  • 100% of the Trade Terminal value of enhancers will be returned in the form of Shrapnel when an enhancer breaks.
  • It is now possible to attach and remove attachments and enhancers to/from items without unequipping the base item.

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Will be nice for regular supply and demand ...

But it will devalue items that are currently high tier :D
Will be nice for regular supply and demand ...

But it will devalue items that are currently high tier :D

yep...all is a give an take....but i like this change too...cheaper to use em...lesser break rate....return on tiering...sounds very good...
great idea. now start drop some opals
At first glance seems like a good ideia. :wise::)
Good news IMO :)
I like this a lot, and as WezteN mentioned, time for some more opals to drop. :silly2:
Well holy shit!

This game might just have some fight left in it after all.

Especially impressed with the compensation for the tier skill.

Got to say mindark, this is a huge step in the right directiot, good job
Given the change to the item tiering process described above, the Tier Upgrader profession will no longer have any purpose, and will be removed completely in early 2020. Any remaining Tier Upgrading skill points will then be converted to their corresponding Tier Upgrading Skill Implant value and compensated at a markup of 20000%.

In the meantime, anyone wishing to convert their existing Tier Upgrading skill points to PED can list Tier Upgrading Skill Implants on the auction and a MindArk Official avatar will periodically (once per week) buy any implants listed for 20000% markup or lower.

This is pretty damn cool of MA. +rep for compensating the players at FMV. That's awesome to see.

Overall, this update lowers the cost to tier. Which had become a serious barrier to most. I know a lot of gear that wasn't getting tiered, and likely will now after this update.

I'm curious if Opals quantities and drop rates will be adjusted with this update as well. We'll see...

Enhancers inserted into (L)imited items will now break much less often.
100% of the Trade Terminal value of enhancers will be returned in the form of Shrapnel when an enhancer breaks.

This is game changing as well! Nice update.

That's going to further increase the sales of enhancers. Which in turn will increase markup up on the ingredients used to make enhancers. Cool cool. Excited for this.
WOOHOOOOO love it :)

Another great job ^^
Ok, am I understanding this part correctly:

Given the change to the item tiering process described above, the Tier Upgrader profession will no longer have any purpose, and will be removed completely in early 2020. Any remaining Tier Upgrading skill points will then be converted to their corresponding Tier Upgrading Skill Implant value and compensated at a markup of 20000%.

In the meantime, anyone wishing to convert their existing Tier Upgrading skill points to PED can list Tier Upgrading Skill Implants on the auction and a MindArk Official avatar will periodically (once per week) buy any implants listed for 20000% markup or lower.

So, I can just wait, and my skills will be converted into a chip that MA buys from me and I don't have to do anything? This method saves me the cost of an ESI chip, right?

Or, I can chip out my skills and sell them on the AH if I want PED before 2020. Which, this method is far worse given the option to just wait and let MA cover the ESI fee. The only way I see this option of value is for tier upgrading skill chips that already exist, or in the case someone is broke and needs PED now.

Am I understanding this right? Is that how you guys read it as well?
This update might upset some people but on my end im really excited and happy for it. Thanks MA, time to tier some shit!!!
Okaaay - sounds interesting at least.
Is there going to be any way to make sense of what this all means if you are an enhancer noob?
I know high-tier items can be great in events for a competitive advantage, but what about most stuff in most hunting/mining situations?
Will there generally be any point in the future of having a lvl x pixie or a level x opalo - and with what enhancers?

Do enhancers such as economy even have a function now that loot is based on cost to kill? Questions, questions...

Edit: I should add I mean on unl here. I realise you might want a high mu (L) item to last longer and use a slot if other enhancers aren't more useful... Call me an advanced noob if you like, but I've never seen the point of range enhancing (for a shot or two at best) or skill enhancing a weap I wouldn't use anyway...
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Gotta be honest, bittersweet pill to swallow, though I'm in a better position than others as I didn't hit the go button on tier 7-10 yet on the bc80.

But that's about ~20k tt I'd like to have had back.
I'm glad the Tier skills will be compensated. Good move.
Well I just lost at least 20k value on my gun that I had just started trying to sell. :mad:

On the other hand things just improved massively moving forward.

Any plans to compensate those who have thrown in quite a large number of peds to Tier Loot 2.0 guns?

(I know there won't be, but does kind of suck for some of us out there who have been doing tiering).
I'm quite confused tbh. I think I need to read this a few times before it completely sinks in. Are there going to be changes to tiering recipes for UL items?
finally a great news that goes in the right direction and I hope that is honest enough for the players who have invested in skilling tier up.

gratz MA !!
Any plans to compensate those who have thrown in quite a large number of peds to Tier Loot 2.0 guns?

This!! It's been hella expensive to tier.
Any plans to compensate those who have thrown in quite a large number of peds to Tier Loot 2.0 guns?

(I know there won't be, but does kind of suck for some of us out there who have been doing tiering).

I had an idea some weeks ago for those who try to sell high tiered items but that are realy hard
to sell due to expensive tiering and therefor ask for a high price.
The idea was to create a system where we can decrease tier level and get compensated with
tokens per level, these tokens can be used to tier up other items.
These tokens should have a zero TT value but can be traded.

This kind of system could be used but the problem is, who will be abled to be compensated?
Expensive for someone can be nothing for someone else. Either will ALL tiered items be
compensated or non I guess.
100% of the Trade Terminal value of enhancers will be returned in the form of Shrapnel when an enhancer breaks.

Will this shrapnel be put in inventory in separate piles or mixed in with the hunting return?
on the plus side..
easier for folk to tier things (assuming they can source the materials)

TT value back as shrap (oh boy wait for the whining from the folk that don't use shrap.. why not just ped/pec ?)

increased sales potential for tier components etc from hunting and for enhancers from crafting

reduced value of some items that already have high tiers (though I suspect the rarer ones wont change much)

as a sometime tierer I am disappointed that I wont be getting any Mats back only shrap when I tier an item (any chance this could be an tickable option) getting even a few rare gems back has always been a nice bonus :)

while this gives independence to all and levels the playing field so no skills needed, it does remove the very nice social assists given by experienced players, often for free. which in a way is a shame, as has always felt good to give/receive a little help for those with less skills.

On balance this would seem to be a step forward and the compensation for loss of skills good to see. Too often in the past skills and items have been devalued at a stroke and left players feeling robbed.
TT value back as shrap (oh boy wait for the whining from the folk that don't use shrap.. why not just ped/pec ?)

Because all the efforts and everything Mindark does they breath one thing through all sources : TURNOVER PEDS ! BE ACTIVE ! and you will be rewarded.