Society Member Capability Tutorial


Dec 16, 2006
Ontario Canada
The Knights of Calypso
Avatar Name
Thaddeuss Thad Scotsman

-Rank Capabilities
-Electing a New Leader
-Disbanding Your Society
-Creating a New Society

This information is generic to all forms of hierarchy in Entropia on the assumption that all forms of hierarchy have the stardard 6 ranks.

In my example i will be using the Military Hierarchy Template as that is what TKoC uses.

So First off their are 6 available ranks in the military hierarchy


Capabilities available to each Rank
(tested and verified info)

Each ability that is gained at a particular rank is also available to all higher ranks as well.


-Able to read the society information page
-Add other members to their freinds list from the members list.
-View other member's info as well as their own member info.
-Vote on leadership of the society.
-Set your own avatar to electable or unelectable as leader.


-Gain the ability to type and save messages in their member info description.


-Can promote Recruits but are not able to demote or dismiss them.
-Can offer society applications in person rather then going to the
society terminal to apply.


-Can now promote Recruits and Privates but is not able to dismiss or demote anyone.
-Can now read the society Log.


-Can edit the Society information page.
-Turn on and off public rank info, public member roster, and accepting members.
-Can now change the society hierarchy template
-Can now promote Recruits, Privates, and Sergeants.
-Can now Demote or Dismiss Recruits, Privates, Sergeants, and Captains.
-Can now view and accept Society Applications.


-Can promote, demote, or dismiss any member of the society.
-Can begin the society disbanding process.
-You lose the ability to leave the society. A new leader must be elected before you are able to dismiss yourself.
-Can set or change your Society's attitude towards other Societys.

Electing a New Leader​

A new leader can be elected 1 of 2 ways:

For you to win the election you need to have the majority (50.1%) of the votes. This is calculated from the whole society so if you have, for example, 100 members you will have to get 51 votes. 24 hours after you have received 50.1% of votes you will become Leader.

New society members will auto vote for the current general, making his position more stable. It is however very difficult to elect a new general by getting more then 50.1% of the votes in larger society. For instance in a society of 20 people u only need 11 to vote, in a society of 100 u need 51 active members to vote.

or option 2:

The current leader must set themselves as unelectable which will automatically make the person with the 2nd most votes, the leader after 24 hrs.

Disbanding Your Society​

Only the Leader of a Society in this Case the General has the ability to start the disbanding process.

If you select to disband Your society the whole society will be closed in 7 days. All members will be informed as soon as you have started the disbandment. If you during this time change your mind you can unclick the choice and the disbanding process will be stopped. You always need to click OK for the change to start or stop.

Creating a New Society​

Anyone can create a new society regardless of time spent ingame or skill.

A newly created society remains in a pending state for seven days after the initial creation before it is accepted as a official society of Entropia. During that time the society leader must recruit and keep a minimum of at least 4 members, otherwise the society will be automatically disbanded after 7 days. At least 5 members (total) must be in the society by the end of the 7 day qualification period. This means 1 leader and 4 other members.

The society creator has the ability to change the society name at any time. If a spelling mistake is made in the society name or the society leader decides to change the society name. It will take 7 days for the process to be completed.
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thank you this is valuble info that is not common because it does not come up much!
hehe np kitten my pleasure!

took me about 4 hours to do but was well worth it to finally know for sure :)
If I ever gonna be in the process of setting up a soc...I reckon this will be the thread that I will return to for info...

Good job Thaddeuss, +rep sent! :thumbup:
thanx for the +rep guys and gals :D

I have added information about the disbanding process.

If I ever gonna be in the process of setting up a soc...I reckon this will be the thread that I will return to for info...

And with that response i will now be adding info about creating a society soon too.
pending process, member count requirment etc.

Coming soon! :)
creating a new society information added.

Tutorial Complete :)
I just want to thank 711 for finding my thread worthy of the tutorial section :)
Great work Thaddeuss

Great work creating this thread. I'm sure it will be made a sticky soon.

Very concise and too the point and clearly laid out.

As a General I get to see it all, but many never get that chance so it is a big help to have this info up here.


Dave Ozi
General - Global Alliance
A fantastic guide and reference. +rep and thankyou for the info. :wtg:
I was waiting for someone to write this guide, very nice work.
wow thank you very much for this thread... my soc and i have been wondering about this and your thread has helped us loads, + rep to you
This is very helpful...

... so kudos for that. I have only one question.

Is it "5 members total" at the end of 7 days, or "5 members recruited" at the end of 7 days (not counting the founder) for a total of 6 Soc members?

I'm guessing 5 total, but being wrong on that would be a bit depressing :)
Great guide Thad :D

At least 5 members (total) must be in the society by the end of the 7 day qualification period.
Great guide, well written and correct as far as i can see.

I have one small addition to the election bit. New soc members will autovote for the current general, making his position more stable. It is however very difficult to elect a new general by getting more then 50% of the votes due to inactive members for instance.
those guys for that info ill add it in :)

and def agree with Bor here , the reason i did this orignally had to do alot with me being reelected as a leader, we had no attendence system to watch inactives so my soc was filled with them it was impossible to get 50% votes i ended up going through our ranks with my colonels and dismising any member we havent seen for a while got it down to where i needed just 1 or 2 more votes and still wasnt working finally i emailed support to answer these questions for me and thats when i found out about the current general just hitting that unelectable button, dam would saved me alot of dismissing lol

Now we have a fully active society of over 80 members, anyone that doesnt update their attendence monthly is demoted 1 a month until their dismissed.

Id like to speculate that we are one of the few societys on the top 50 biggest list with such high activity level for memebrs as i know alot of those socs get their by recruit farming and leaving inactive accounts as members.

anyways getting off topic thanx for the add in guys ill edit it now.
Already had one fix up from Alice :)

Im not 100% sure on that total part i thought it was 5 recruited meaning 6 total with 5 recruits.

Ill add it in as leader and 4 recruits, if anyone finds out otherwise just let me know and ill change it . actually ill email support and ask them.
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In the spirit of Science...

... I'll test the 5-members thing the hard way ;)
dont bother cly i just sent a support case i would hope they reply quicker then 7 days ill go check it now actually.....
01 Jun 2008 Entropia Support:
It needs to be a 5 total, including the leader.

Kind regards,
Entropia support
Thank you...

... for clarifying that. Looks like mine will go through just fine then, with it's current member count of 5.

Wasn't going to be a long wait anyway. I think my 7 days ends today or tomorrow actually. But kudos for the thread once more - very handy stuff! It's getting printed out now even ;)
nice thx for all the good work:)
Yes, good work on this. Just giving some well deserved rep. ;)
Yes, good work on this. Just giving some well deserved rep. ;)

Yes indeed, had forgotten about this thread! Thx Ratae for bumping it! :thumbup: Here´s that info I was looking for;


Disbanding Your Society​

Only the Leader of a Society in this Case the General has the ability to start the disbanding process.

If you select to disband Your society the whole society will be closed in 7 days. All members will be informed as soon as you have started the disbandment. If you during this time change your mind you can unclick the choice and the disbanding process will be stopped. You always need to click OK for the change to start or stop. in other words, to disband a society that has "survived" the pending period, you have to click the disband button in order to disband the society, is that correct?



P.s. I´ve clicked that button btw, just to be sure ;)
click the disband button then make sure you hit ok otherwise it wont go through.

Then after 7 days you are Free! :yay: :D
Good Thread

Thank you for posting this. I know i'm a few years and a few doallars late, but this will help me and my husband create our society, that we waould like to have
After the Cryengine update or just the regular old VU;s we have all come to expect the Ally, enemie options should be back working normally at that point i will add another section regarding that aspect of society's.

I'm always glad to know this thread helps others :cool:
Very good thread bro.
+REP!! :)
Nice thread...been useful if I'd looked for it when I needed the info :D

One small addition you might like to make:

The society leader can change the society name. This takes 7 days like the initial creation process; so if you did a typo on creating, you have to live with it for another week ;D
The society leader can change the society name. This takes 7 days like the initial creation process; so if you did a typo on creating, you have to live with it for another week ;D
i'm not quite sure on this but afaik lvl 2 members can change the name as well.

(so this is simply part of 'editing the society information page')
Sweet guide, I've been wondering how the soc works, thanks, +rep also.:)