Uber: 24721 ped atrox providor with nice item

wth is a atrox providor... well gratz i guess

running out to find providors (they seem to drop great)
Gratz! ;)

/me is going to find some goardiams instead! :p
Gratz...awseome loot ya got there:yay:
Gratz nice one :yay:
Big Gratz!

That was a nice troxie :yay:
Big Gratz!:D
And that gun is a ATH in it self to vey nice :wtg:
Gratz, I once wrestled Atrox Skalker to death but apparently it had empty pockets.
uber uber gratzz mate!!!!!:yay::yay::yay:
wtg chips! :wtg: :yay: I am SO happy for you m8!!

amazing loot.

this really is the unlimited gun vu

wow congrats on that find!:yay:
Amazing loot gratz
Big big big gratz mate ;)
:drool: Gratz!! Now leave my loot alone. ;)
iiish that a real sweet silent ath =)