Question: How does the increase in HP work with serendipity?


Jan 13, 2008
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Herco Coz Mann
I am looking at the dmg increases according to EP and it says that for each 40 in agility you gain 1 HP (I think that means dmg) It also says for each 1600 in serendipitly you gain 1 also.

I have 62 agility and 3362 serendipity which would equate to 3 additional hit points. Where do these hit points show up?

Do they show up when hunting and you get 3 more damage to the mob? If that is so then the min damage on a weapon should be 3 more even if it doesn't appear in the window. That must not be true because I am a lvl 39 laser dmg and sinper and I get dmg of 4.1s from an opola.

If it means that you get points added to your dmg bar when you hit the new lvl for that skill then it doesn't mean Jack. Another words by the time you hit 40 agility you are not a beginner and have probably been hunting awhile. So if you have 2550 on your damage bar and get to lvl 40 in agility and now you have 2551 who cares. That means that to hit lvl 2600 it means you only have another 117 and 2/3 days left to get there instead of 118 days.

This is not a rant at all but if what I said about adding to the dmg bar is true then why even waste the time and space to enter those stats? It must be a nightmare to keep up all the things that they do. I would rather see EP spend time on better things. Like explaining all the percents in colums on the skill page, I am not sure what they mean at all and I am sure I am not the only one.

TIA for the answers to my questions.

Also don't think that I am blasting EP because I am not at all, I, like many others, would be much more lost than I am now without it.
The points you gain are added to your health...
Really? It's talking about your own HPs. Why do you think people chip courage like mad? They want to raise their own HPs.
Well may not be a answer but i think this fits here
the points gained from your agility and serendipity its on your hp, never on your weapons, if you have skills you'll do more/better damage on yours UL and even L guns
the HP they are refering to are your HP ... that is how many you have not how many you damage a mob/player.

as for the percents i can only assume that you are talking about how much a skill effects your profession standing.

now that is to say that serndipity (the skill you mentioned) makes up 4% of your laser dmg standing and 1% of laser hit standing (plus others) AND provides your avatar with one HP per 1600 levels of serndipity gained.

i think that is correct to the best of my understanding of your questions and of the info i was looking at.
I guess I will not be able to understand this at all. On the EP page I see no mention of a players health HP at all. I do see a lot of range laser and BLP damage and all sorts of other damage and all sorts of HITs, like pistol, rifle long blades are involved but not health.

So Eron your are saying that it is adding points to the bar as I said in the fourth paragraph? That is when you hit 40 in agility your (Laser, BLP etc.) dmg bar (Not health bar) goes up one more point.

One other thing that I was thinking about. Serenidipty is 4% ok. Now just for ease of computation lets say I have 100 in laser damage. So that would mean that 4 pts of that 100 is equal to 6400 pts in serendipity. Would that be correct ?

My point is I have 3936 pts in laser dmg and only 3362 pts in serendipity. 4% of 3936(my laser dmg pts) is 157 which would mean I should have 1600 times 157 for serendipity to equal 4% of my laser dmg. I just really don't understand how this works because it makes no sense to me mathmatically, the figures do not add up at all. Moreover what if I did just have the 100 dmg points and I did have 6400 pts in serendipity and chipped in another 6400 pts in serendipity what would happen then.

I am just confussed and I appricate everyones help and I hope you all see where I am comming from, not bitching but trying to learn a little more about the game.
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Wow Coz you have me totally baffled now.:scratch2: I thought the other replys would have set you on the right path to understanding the skills and their contributions to YOUR health points ( HP ).

Good luck I hope someone can explain this to ya
You health shows up in the skills library underneath attributes, you can also see a rough percentage of how far you are until the next level, you do not get a hp when you hit 1600 serendipity, it goes up progressively as you head towards every 1600 skills. Say you have 400 serendipity, you will have been given 1/4 of the hp progress bar.
Wow Coz you have me totally baffled now.:scratch2: I thought the other replys would have set you on the right path to understanding the skills and their contributions to YOUR health points ( HP ).

Good luck I hope someone can explain this to ya

:scratch2: I'm in the same boat as you angelo :scratch2:

Perhaps...view this post and maybe even that thread by Jimmy on the Impact of skills on professions.
lol dude, did thorifoid bonk u on the head?

Skills such as serendipity, courage, pistol etc contribute to YOUR own HP. Making YOU more durable in combat. Yes, that means you take longer to die and that you won't get 1 shot by snable young. /flex

Lets say you start off with 90 hp and you have 1600 Serendipity ONLY (all other skills are 1) You will have 91 HP where that extra 1HP comes from the 1600 serendipity.

Having more skills make you use your weapons more effectively, thus increasing your overall damage done.

As you can see, your HP has no direct effect on your damage done. However, your overall skills can impact both your HP and damage.
hey there cozmodan

when the mob hits you and you recieve say 36 damage, then that has just taken 36 ponts of YOUR HP (health points).

If you have say 136 HP (health points) you can recieve 100 more damage from a mob before your avatar dies.

So as certain other skills increase you recive an additional HP (health point).

For instance i just did a major few days melee session to get myself to 1600 points, for that i recieved 3 HP's (1 every 533 points as far as i read on EF).

It means i now can survive 3 points more damage to my avatar.

And as one person said thats why people chip in courage and other skills as it increases there HP (health points), and surviving the mobs hits is what it's all about.

look in your avatar skills window under attributes to see you health points.


edit: so many people answered while i was answering that my answer is obsolete :)
o.0 your looking at the star tab where Laser and BLP are lkisted as levels? like 27 or 35?

duuuuude! press K click Attributes and look at the Health bar. that is all that you are raising with those skills! The only way to increase your DPS is to use an amp or buy a new weapon. the weapons are fixed damage. :)

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

:p sorry too tired to get the letters in good enough color to read.... but you get the iea! goodnight!
I just want to point out that agility and serendipy contributes both to your avatars hit points and the minimum damage you do with a weapon (which is based on your damage professions).

These are different things and might be what is causing all this confusion. As poster above said, read Jimmy B´s thread, its essential reading.
I just want to point out that agility and serendipy contributes both to your avatars hit points and the minimum damage you do with a weapon (which is based on your damage professions).

The only way to increase your DPS is to use an amp or buy a new weapon. the weapons are fixed damage. :)

If you use "old" weapons (like marber-bravo), then more skills will contribute to higher average damage done, thus increasing dmg/sec, though its a long, long way.
Let's say you use a weapon with 100 dmg as max dmg, and it fires 60 shots/minute. As a beginner with 0 in dmg profession you will have 25-100 dmg range on it, giving an average of 37.5 dmg/sec. An oldtime uber with 100 in dmg profession will have an average of 50 dmg/sec on that weapon. Also, increasing the "hit ability", redusing the number of "nerf misses"(*) from let's say 3/10 to 1/10 will increase your effective dmg/sec.

This also applies for "new" weapons until you have maxed them, though you max them much faster than old weapons. Once you have maxed a weapon, more skills won't give you more dmg/sec with that very weapon, but now you have the option of using the next weapon in the ladder and get skills from it to have higher dmg/seconds in "the future". Compare maxing the TT handgun, and maxing Korss400/Breer P5. (There is a practical limit though, how much in decay, with markup, you are willing to pay for higher dmg/sec.)

(*) Nerf misses depending on your skill, there are also misses because of for instance lag/failed auto aim, when you don't appear to aim at a valid target.