Question: should claims show on radar?

Should MA add mining claims on radar?

  • Total voters
yes, yes, yes.

they should also make the claim visually BIGGER.

should also be able to extract from 1 pull and decay excavator accordingly.

I agree completely about extracting from one pull. Extracting a global or hof can be very tedious :) But to answer the would be a nice little aid to make my claim show on the radar but its not such a big deal to me. I can survive without it :)
I gotta say I think it'd lose some of the character of the job if you made pulling up claims happen in one click. That's part of the job that has to be done. Removing that is like say... I dunno... automatically healing yourself after killing a mob because you were gonna do it anyway. Time is money and all that. I'd get broke quicker too >.>
MA would never do that, there are better tools for a reason
please don't let this thread die

bump :ahh:
Really good idea! I want to see only my claims, as it could be confusing if there are others as well.
I think so too

and if you think about it, it is a simple thing to develop, they already show mobs, players (diferent colores for team and soc members), Teleports, Auctioners and shopkeepers, why not claims as well :)
almost 500 votes :yay:
hope you haven't forgoten this post

if they put a one pull extract i wanna a one click craft :)
Ppl, do not forget about this brilliant idea. BUMP.

Lets hope VU 10 has this :yay:

Yes they need it on Radar. It is hard to find if you accidently push the wrong button and the screen diapears.

:yay: :ahh: :wtg:
Something different:

Claims are not shown till you walk within 2 metres of them so you HAVE to use the (currenltly a little redundant) locator/radar thing on the finder. Then they appear as markings and on your radar. You should also get warnings of claims that are going to expire

i'll try mining then post lol
there r more important things that MA should fix before this

And you are on the right place to request them, after all your on the wishlist section :D
Whether this has more priority then what you consider to have more priority is for MA to decide, and is completly out of scope from this wish.

TIP:MA knows their priorities, stop those stupid comments plz and comment if you have something usefull to add for the ideas, whether positive of negative...

Sorry for the off topic... BTW pies are really good :p
I like the way the new claim rods have the dust blowing underneath them. it makes it much easier to see. However, when i'm in window mode and i have the claim window open and the finder radar open and the finder is up in my face, it's difficult to navigate through the mobs and mountains to find the claim. It's those times that I really wish that the claim showed on my radar.
still hoping

bump :)
It would be really helpful for the claims to be shown in the radar. It's not uncommon for a claim to be hidden by other objects but having everyone's claims shown would be annoying and confusing.
MA should allow us to customize our radar
should also be able to extract from 1 pull and decay excavator accordingly.

Now that we have auto crafting, this seems like a justifiable answer to the miners ongoing problem.

I want to see everyone mining! That way my ores will be cheaper :silly2:
Now that we have auto crafting, this seems like a justifiable answer to the miners ongoing problem.

I want to see everyone mining! That way my ores will be cheaper :silly2:

nooooooooo :mad:
good idea

i hate that searching for claims too :laugh:
Where is my pie? :tongue2:

how about this one?
YES please put the claims on radar.......

meny atime I have been attack before I could locate my claim, then to loose it in a rock or tree.

and pie is good, good old Aussie meat pie:wtg: