Achievement: 300K Skills


May 15, 2006
Avatar Name
Velikii Komby Kombinator
Well, I made it into the 300K club, nice to be a member I guess:)

Type Skills TT
Combat 109,207 5,716
General 44,816 2,088
Science 44,043 3,220
Medical 21,099 1,318
Construction 23,881 1,441
Mining 19,510 205
Information 16,661 215
Defense 10,374 233
Mindforce 8,446 58
Tailoring 1,617 5
Attributes 438 0
Total 300,092 14,498
Excellent Achievement, mate! :yay:



Very nice
Fantastic, Kombinator!!! Enjoy.
Grats, now make it to 400k :yay:
cool, your skills are worth 2 times more than a land...consider it :laugh:
cool, your skills are worth 2 times more than a land...consider it :laugh:

Hehe, not really, if you take into account the ESI cost to chip out they are only owrth about 180K PED. Perhaps when I get to 400K we talk...or when the taming skills go thru the roof:)
nice one gz :yay:
o.0 and I am Happy with my 28-29k totalskills.. :ahh:
Great work and how long did that take?
Gratz on the awsome achievement.. :D
Gratz! nice achievement... Still on my way to get my membership! (gonna take some time...)
Great achivvement ... gratz
Gratz nice amount of Skills :wtg:
Is it all natural?
mmm, looks like u have about 50k+ scanning skills - come back when u get those 50k in real skills and i'll gratz you :silly2:
Hmm, if you are referring to Science that would be taming skills dude:) I do have about 15K in scanning related ones, but I am ok with it:)
Hmm, if you are referring to Science that would be taming skills dude:) I do have about 15K in scanning related ones, but I am ok with it:)

Like I said, come back when u got another 50k in useful skills :laugh:

Seriously though, huge gratz :)
Thanks chief, looks like next achievements will take quite a bit to get.

Quickness and Med Therapy are next on list, then we'll see:)
That's really nice achievement!! Next stop 400k :D
A big gratzzzzz to you 300k skills. soon it will be time for me to. :)