Ban the Above User!

Banned for having no body and only one arm
^ banned for the use of a Chuck Norris joke without his permission.
Banned for imitating a talking weapon.
Banned for trying to personify time!
Banned for being born a killer.
Banned for making me think of " shuuuut uuuup" from TOWIE :laugh:
Banned for making me think of " shuuuut uuuup" from TOWIE :laugh:


banned for making me recall the mega amount of hours I spent watching Captain Janeway lead the Star Trek Voyager on Sky One.

banned for making me recall the mega amount of hours I spent watching Captain Janeway lead the Star Trek Voyager on Sky One.

Banned for complaining about remembering Star Trek!

Banned for having once been "Disturbed" ;)
Banned for bashing our community zombie! :)
Banned for reading my ban wrong! ;)
Ban for Banning more than once in one day
Banned for banning someone on such insubstantial grounds. :wise:
Banned for presuming we have to have any grounds to ban someone :laugh:

Banned for banning the person I wanted to ban cause he was discriminating the dead :tongue2: