COMPLAINT - M2S spiders bleed over to neas

This is like someone bitching to the weather man about floods in their town... :laugh:
Actually, Neas is home to Ambulimax, the sweaters just happened to migrate there.

I think you're wrong here. The landarea at Neas Place is relatively new, it was established as a land area after the surrounding land areas.

My theory was that MA was planning to shut down Camp Phoenix and running the sweaters out of there (first by reducing amount of sweat, later by changing to an unfriendly chilly climate and placing a turret as exclaimation mark by the TP). So, they set up a land area, let some DNA parts of the relatively friendly animal "Ambulimax" float around, and then they just waited for the right land owner, a land owner they know liked mobs like Ambulimax rather than merp or atrox, come by and let the land owner get the land. To further make life easier for sweaters, the area was from the beginning, before any land owner could complain, designed with a fully equipped service center with storage for the heavy sweat aswell as a teleporter, to make it as easy to get back to Port Atlantis as it was from Camp Phoenix.

Unfortunately, the ambulimax was a popular mob to hunt, so to slow down killing a bit, it's "behavior" was "adjusted", so it got harder to kill and therefor possible to get a bit more sweat from aswell as deterring hunters with the previous so popular "mk2" carbine from killing it.
I took the privilege of killing all ambus near the TP at Neas as I have a lazy avatar. seem sweaters think they own the land area and dont like you killing there ambu. I enjoy the drama fest it ensues, need a good laugh every now and then.
I took the privilege of killing all ambus near the TP at Neas as I have a lazy avatar. seem sweaters think they own the land area and dont like you killing there ambu. I enjoy the drama fest it ensues, need a good laugh every now and then.

If you want to so the society some real use, you could keep the borders free from 'sploiters (at 160,235 east of argus and 160,197 west of echidna). If you stay around killing their pet trapped bercs & exo youngs you'll probably hear some colorful language aswell, from all corners of the earth.
I"m out of town atm, but I have to smile and wonder how many spider mob trains this whining thread has inspired...I bet they are all the way north of the service center by now :D
The reason why I GET so aggressive about sweat and sweating areas is that its not like I can afford to chip in fancy skills and spend thousands of dollars on gear. I'm on disability benefits, the cost of living is skyrocketing and the economy is down in general. I can't afford to deposit more than 2 or 3 times a year. I'm not a begger I'm financially FRUGAL.

If you have it that hard financially then maybe switch off your pc and save some money on electric bill ;)
*Wish the owner of Nea's would make it pvp for a month or so!!!!
Now that would ROCK!!!!!!
*Wish the owner of Nea's would make it pvp for a month or so!!!!
Now that would ROCK!!!!!!

once it was for a day or so that was funny indeed
once it was for a day or so that was funny indeed

Well, people was pk:ing people inside the servicecenter, and was shooting from zones where they could kill others while being invulnerable themselves..
Well, people was pk:ing people inside the servicecenter, and was shooting from zones where they could kill others while being invulnerable themselves..

Hmmm that sounds even funner ;)
Then can't MA do something about it?

i'm not talking about sweaters in the spider LA and taking OVER, I'm talking about spiders moving into a public area where they're a nusince. I don't go near uber land areas unprepared for the consequences, I'm not that STUPID.

Furthermore, since when has a landowner profited off of a mob that kills everything that comes near it before blundering into the turret? OFF the land they're supposed to be on. Those spiders kill every sweater they can get their claws on, then follow the ambu that still have sweat in them to the turret and DIE. There's no profit for M2S if their mobs are too strong to be killed or blunder into a turret, hell, they don't even get ped for one that runs into the turret on their OWN land.

Its one thing on Eudoria where there is very little control over the mobs and its entirely in MA's ballpark. If araneatrox were appearing at swamp I would go to MA and whine to them. (I hate swamp by the way because of the beggers and utter CHAOS that rules there.) The point of having an LA is that the players can control the mobs and make a profit off it too! I emphasize again, the purpose of a land area is to CONTROL THE MOBS to the benefit of the owners.

And you SHOULD be concerned about the price of sweat, because its a stepping stone for new players and for those who aren't FINANCIALLY ENDOWED enough to spend thousands of dollars of USD chipping in skills and paying top price for gear. But sweat prices are neither here nor there. The point is these mobs are wandering off the right landarea into a public space they aren't wanted on. If M2S can't stop it then mindark should refine the controls for the land areas in their next VU and make it a priority! I love this game but goddmnit I hate being blindsided by a mob that shouldn't be where it is! If I wanted to hunt araneatrox I'd blow my RL savings on the skills and gear to kill them!

The swunt groups go over to the spider LA, THEY pay taxes, ever since M2S took that place over I haven't made a dime off swunting on it and the swunt group leaders won't move the swunt BACK to neas LA where they could MAKE some ped swunting.

I WILL lodge a complaint with MA. What is it with you uber assholes and sweaters? Not all sweaters are beggers, some are ordinary folk too poor to deposit more than a couple times each year. not everyone can afford to pour their life savings into a game. I barely have enough to pay my utilities and buy essentials like detergent, and soap, and shampoo, and things like toilet paper and that kind of thing. I can't even afford to replace parts of my computer that BREAK!


Stop beeing so patronizing not to mention the namecalling which aint gonna get you anywhere..

This is a situation they dont have any control over not to mention that you say your not stupid yet the assumptions that you are making shows you clearly do not know what you are talking about which I regard as pretty damn stupid..

Signing off.
This is a situation they dont have any control over not to mention that you say your not stupid yet the assumptions that you are making shows you clearly do not know what you are talking about which I regard as pretty damn stupid..

Ouch! They've lost control. Soon, when enough spiders have left tracks of pheromones into the Neas Place LA, the spiders will turn against the owners, orgainze themselves in groups of 50 and literally crush all hunters trying to stop them under their four feet, and then go for the TP and servicestation in the search for fresh blood.
Someone doesn't know how many feet spiders have :)

j/k, i dont see why hes whining, he cant blame m2s, blame the bloke who created EU, without him u wouldnt have to whine about losing the 0.05$ you would earn for hours work.