Help: Problems regarding a soc HoF


Feb 21, 2006
Ex Cons
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The Legendary Xin
Hey all :)

This post is a very though one for me to write.. And I really don't like doing this.. We have been talking about this ingame, but we haven't been able to sort this out, and I really want to avoid any troubles in our soc, so I will try to bring the discussion out here, and maybe someone else out here can help us sort things out in a good way :)

Here's a screen shot of the HoF:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
As you can see of the picture, all four of us is inside the same radar. We are not out there one and one, we were gathered as a team, hunting together, healing each other and having a good time :)

Okey, here's the story.
Morpheus, Bada Bing, Dessa and me (Xin) met in Cape Corinth to shoot some drones in the ongoing event.

After three mobs or so, Dessa loots martial feets and I loot a martiall harness, both under 50 peds, but since we are hunting rather "low hp" mobs, I ask the team:
"Does everyone agree to split items under 50 ped as well?" Asking this question since we have, as most people know a soc policy about splitting items over 50 peds. To my question, everyone agreed without further additions.

Then, after about an hour of hunting, we get this 8.5k attacker gen 6, with an UL adj SK-20, and an UL Bikac kek. The total value of the loot is now way over 10k peds in total.

Now people might understand what the problem is.. Yes, this mob is shot by Morpheus "alone", doing all the dmg on this mob, and gets the whole loot.
When I ask a few hours later (since noone has mentioned it yet), how he intend to share the loot. Then he writes that he feels he deserves the loot alone, this because of following statements:
-He said that he was so far away from us, it was a solo kill.
-What is far away? Outside the radar? Outside rifle range?
-The size of the loot is so big, that he means it is a once in a lifetime loot and diserves to keep it.
-Noone else shot at it, therefore, he thinks that he killed it alone, not as a team, and don't have to split it.

:In my opinion, size of loot shouldn't matter, the team agreed on splitting items, and especially when items this big. That's the exact reason for why we split items, isn't it??

:Well, it is an event where tons of small drones fly around, we shoot at everything around us, and thoose who have been here, or any of the past events, knows that the spawns can be pretty intense, and shooting at the same mob is veeery hard at times, and also not as effective as just shooting at what is closest, as we all did. IMO this should not be a reason for not splitting loot, or should it??

Well, this is pretty much the story, we've seen it happen things like this before :( it's very sad to see it happen again.
I'd like to say that an agreement is an agreement, split the loot, and get over with it, everyone will still get a freaking nice amount of peds (this is like a mining tower each :p ),

But I'm one of the team, and I can't make anyone ingame do anything, as yea, it's a game, we are not neighboors..

So I'd like to hear everyone's opinion, hopefully we can sort things out in a good and friendly manner :)

As a soc mate of mine said. This is not about the loot itself, it's about the moral, the fact that we agreed to split, and that we are friends, in the same society. We were all out there to hunt, as a team, and we agreed to split items and loot as a team. We didn't go out there solo.
Friends share, and hunting is a team of friends, is hunting in a group, having fun, sharing good times. And in my thoughts, sharing loot? :confused:

I'm going to bed now, hope the day tomorrow will be a bit better.. :)

Hopefully, I speak of the whole team, not just myself.

Best regards,
Your sincerely,
well if he was far away and did it all himself, I personally would count it so he gets all... :scratch2:

it is hard to decide though :D

EDIT: Ofc this all depends on what you have decided before the hunt
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As a soc mate of mine said. This is not about the loot itself, it's about the moral, the fact that we agreed to split, and that we are friends, in the same society. We were all out there to hunt, as a team, and we agreed to split items and loot as a team. We didn't go out there solo.
Friends share, and hunting is a team of friends, is hunting in a group, having fun, sharing good times. And in my thoughts, sharing loot? :confused:

That says all that needs to be said really.

Its a low low person that goes back on his word in such a way ... hope Morpheus reads this thread (I'm sure there will be many replies along the same lines) and thinks again ... PEDS come and go but friendship and honor are worth so much more..
Yeah, a team is a team!

You agreed to go together as one, not one in the together, in my opinion the loot must be shared to everyone in the team. :D

Range, shots...whatever you can say, is not an excuse to share.

Hope that this problem gets a fast solution :)

Nothing more in the moment
:wtg: Ricardo Sacana Silva :wtg:
-Well if I were a Ex-con I would....
Split everything evenly, since is one of the soc rules, after selling, perhaps try to agree for you to get a bigger "slice of the cake" since you made all damage ad looted it
-If I werent a Ex-con I would.....
since Im a TT return believer and the MU on those items is pretty decent I'd share the MU on Items evenly
-If we didnt sorted any rules on team....
I would keep the loot totally
-If I sorted some kind of rules with some members I would...
Just respect it and share with them as the rules were set

this is how I do it even im not much of a team hunter but I try never to get problems sharing cause I saw some soc problems because of selfishness missunderstandings because of hofs.
Do the wisest thing on your "soul" so to say :)
As you can see of the picture, all four of us is inside the same radar.

Is Stalker the furthest yellow dot i.e. NW on radar?
I would share it for sure, and i know socmates would do the same.

And take for example Warants Daspletor ATH, Silverfox was away (died or afk, i don't know) but they also splitted fair amongst team.
Warants shared their ATH with ther buddy at revival, I think Morpheus should share this one. At least throw the stackables to the team and keep the items if nothing else... kind of a dick move to keep it all when you're in a team. Talk to him a bit more about it, people go crazy with power when they get something nice here. Remember the guy who took the Adj. FAP from another player? He was talked intogiving it back after a while. I'm sure that if you talk to him about it, he'll remember how to share ;)
Bah, it was a team hunt or not? uH Morpheus?

I dont know what to say except that it's to avoid this kind of situation that I never hunt in team even with by best friend in game.

I'd be the first to want the item for me alone instead of selling a great item, that's why I hunt alone.

Maybe Morpheus should think like me if he dont want to share.

The way I see it...
If you hunt in team to increase your luck, once it happened, you must share the cake.
If I had looted it, I would have sold the items and shared the profit with my teammates (EDIT: and the money from the robot junk too of course).

If I wanted to get an item for myself then I would hunt solo, which is one reason why that's what I usually do. I can't deny that it would feel a little painful to get a loot like that and have to share it :)

Actually in the specific case of the SK-20, I'm looking to buy one, so I would have bought out my teammates share, as long as we could agree a fair price between us.

Another edit :) Of course it's different in WoF-type events where people are deliberately hunting solo and only using the team for the purposes of the event - my 6k Atrax came in this situation.
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There should be no question: You agreed to split loot. The whole team. If you don't want to split, stay off the team. This happens several times in our soc. maybe someone dies and is on the way back from revival, gets maybe 1 shot in and BAM Global!! we share. Oh it's easy for someone to be generous splitting 50 peds. Of course it is hard to split WTF 10K peds? wow. But that is what shows integrity, honour, your word. Your word is nothing if you take back a promise because of money.

I bet if it was another player on the team that got the big score, Morpheus would be asking for his "share" of the loot.
Some ppls change when they hit something . We had same problem even in Ex Cons ( no split ). Then we asked everyone and we are all agree to split if one it's afk , die or disconnect.

Hope u guys get to a deal !!
I would share it for sure, and i know socmates would do the same.

And take for example Warants Daspletor ATH, Silverfox was away (died or afk, i don't know) but they also splitted fair amongst team.

Warants shared their ATH with ther buddy at revival, I think Morpheus should share this one. At least throw the stackables to the team and keep the items if nothing else... kind of a dick move to keep it all when you're in a team. Talk to him a bit more about it, people go crazy with power when they get something nice here. Remember the guy who took the Adj. FAP from another player? He was talked intogiving it back after a while. I'm sure that if you talk to him about it, he'll remember how to share ;)

Not sure your comparing like with like there.

When you hunt in a team on daspletors it can be different from hunting this type of mob. Let me explain.

When a team hunt dasps they all shoot the same mob.

When hunting easy bots a team may all hunt the same mob or be playing in an individual style i.e. everyone hunting their own mobs although they are all in same team.

How were this team hunting? Was everything on same mob most of the time? What caused someone to hunt in a separate area from team (slightly away)?
You're right George,

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
got this Hof with socmate last year in bot event. You can see the mayhem it was and we just shooted everything in sight. So i didn't shoot the hoffing bot.

Thx again for sharing Luth, you know i love u ;)

edit: ok we were next to each other but we also spreaded out sometimes, wouldn't change the situation at all.
When we hunt with a team we always split markup of non stackable items. Because you can loot a good item, but that will be all team's loot. According to these rules I would split a markup of unstackable items, but....
there is always a matter of honor etc (like you said) in cases like this. I would FOR SURE give at least a little part of value of stackable items to each member of a team.
Of cause you should have a share ALL of you who was in the team. At least thats how it works and always did in our soc. A team hunt is a team hunt, and naturally everyone should have an equal share when the team gets an UBER no matter who killed it.
We rarely hunt any other way then lootpool in our soc. Not matter who killed it, if the others were reviving or if it was a solo kill. High value items go to auction, low MU goes TT unless someone wants it. Total loot gets splitted according to ammo spent.
As long as everybody knows the rules and respects them, everything is fine.
If soemone does not, he is quite probably a future ex-soc mate.
Who is to be blamed ?

MA did not give us fair rules to automatically share the loot. Stack share rules are misleading and don't allow for sharing high value items. This is a recurring situation... The community should ask for a larger choice of team rules ...
Send a support case and pls paste here the reply. It s AGES that MA need to make more options for team (like for friend list, auction, bugs, cars, taming etcetc) and it AGES that it don t give a shit. It s a moral problem, you right, but it is a problem created by MA.

The oils and other stackables are his, he did the damage.

But the items should be split. That was the arrangement.

No question.
I only read what the op said.

If it was agreed to share loot items above a certain value, it's only gentlemanly to share.

If the person changes his mind after a nice loot, you can't trust that person to hunt with you anymore. When does the person stop changing his mind? Does a 100 peds ESI or a 10 ped ESI change his mind?

Whatever it was, once the team has agreed to something, it has to stick to it, or everyone loses trust in that person.
when you make rules, you follow them.

I make it known when hunting in team on smaller bots etc, If i get seperated and do all dmg i keep all loot. Other then that all items split if someone else gets atleast one shot in.

and it is for the social to decide what to do with him after this.
I would share... I mean, I would be tempted, but in the end, I'd share... ;)

Had a similar situation... we were hunting tezlas with a soc-mate... and there were 3, i killed one, he killed the one that looted 70 peds, and I killed the third one, then he came up to me, traded me, and gave me half... thats how it should be done :)
Here is nothing to discuss about the whole situation.
If EVERYONE was agreed with that the loot WILL BE splited, then you MUST split the loot, no matter how many ped's worth loot.
If you were all not agree with that then you DONT have to split the loot.
But as you sayd, you asked for that and they agreed... THEN you all MUST split the loot :)
Its nothing to discuss about :)
In the past in the societies ive been part of this situation prolly wouldnt have happend. But if he indeed was off hunting on his own for whatever reason, then he could keep it, but if he recently died and was on his way back to group he should share, as he would get part of share if we looted while he was on his way.
MA did not give us fair rules to automatically share the loot. Stack share rules are misleading and don't allow for sharing high value items.

It s AGES that MA need to make more options for team

any good suggestions to how they can make a team option that would split high-lvl items then? :rolleyes:
i have hunted in alot of teams/events over the years and imo its 100% split loot if he dident whant to split he should not have teamed.....