Is Planet Calypso for Sale


Feb 12, 2009
In the fabric of time and space
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Space Infinity01 Time
Earlier I was reading a thread under general economy section with a thread titled MindArk released a new financial report: How financially healthy is MA

But the info originally provided is outdated. So I did some reseach, and posted there with some updated info

Financial report of MA in English and Swedish

Semi-annual report First half of 2009 in english

Looks like not bad or good as of July 2009.

Results for the First Half of 2009 (Copied from the report in the 2nd link)
....On the whole, MindArk’s focus during this year on investment in product
development and organization, combined with the very weak economy, has
resulted in stagnation of income for the MindArk Group.
Users’ net contribution for the first 6 months was 32 million SEK, compared to
34.5 million the previous year, a decrease of 7%.
The Group’s operating profit was 10.6 million SEK compared to 3.3 million SEK
the preceding year. Activated development costs of 11.6 million SEK are
included in that total, compared to 0 SEK the previous year....

Don't know what is happening after july 2009 since the reports are in swedish.

But the information available at the bottom of wikipedia is somewhat alarming!!!!!!

.......On 15 Jun 2010 parent company MindArk AB released it's 2009 annual report. They reported a cash flow of -18.6 Million SEK (-$2.4M). In the report it states that the real life bank they were planning to start is on hold due to a lack of funds. MindArk also says they have a signed letter of intent to sell their original virtual planet, Planet Calypso, for a price of $6,000,000 USD to an unnamed company.......

As one can see at the bottom, based on Wikipedia, looks like MA/FPC is not in good financial health, and selling planet calypso. The original document, wikipedia is referring to, is a PDF file in swedish.

Can anybody shed some light on this?

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OMG! NO!!! pretty please, don't sell our planet!! :(
We know what we have and it's becoming very good indeed!
Hell knows what we might have if it's sold... :s
Yes it will be sold, but consider this.

1. Finally MA is a true platform developer with partners (no discrimination, as is forbidden in EU)

2. A strong partner owning calypso could potentially expand greatly with hundreds of people working in the company, which in the end means more fun for all of us.

A bird whispered in my ear that these news will please the players indeed!
uh, it was already sold to fpc. Think that information's timeline is out of whack -.-
Everything talks that it is because MA/FPC needs new money but in other way they did invest lot of money last year and they have to pay rent for cryeng 2.

So far i can see it they need lot of new money but i think they want a planet partner so Calypso would become like the rest planets there MA dont need to take full responcebility and i think its also to avoid tax.
It looks like Calypso is beeing sold (Not to FPC (I think)):

From the Swedish report
En av bolagets befintliga planetpartners har tecknat ett kompletterande avtal med MindArk.
Partnern får enligt avtalet rätt att mot kontant ersättning erhålla en högre
maximalt 70 procent mot tidigare avtalade 50 procent. Avtalet gäller en planet som fortfarande
är under utveckling och som ännu inte tagits i drift.
MindArk har till och med maj 2010 erhållit 0,55 miljoner USD som ersättning för en till-
kommande vinstdelningsprocent om 5 procent. Väljer motparten att utnyttja hela sin köpoption
kommer MindArk att erhålla ytterligare 1,6 miljoner USD under resterande delen av 2010.
MindArks dotterbolag First Planet Company AB har den 10 juni tillsammans med ett
internationellt bolag undertecknat en avsiktsförklaring (Letter of Intent) om försäljning av
samtliga rättigheter till planeten Calypso för en sammanlagd köpeskilling av sex miljoner USD. I
anslutning till undertecknandet har köparen deponerat en miljon USD på ett bundet konto i
svensk bank. Innan ett slutligt avtal om försäljning av rättigheterna i First Planet Company kan
undertecknas skall köparen genomföra en due diligence. Denna process beräknas vara
avslutad senast den 15 augusti. I anslutning till undertecknandet av det slutliga
försäljningsavtalet frigörs de medel köparen deponerat. Resterande köpeskilling, fem miljoner
USD, skall tillföras First Planet Company genom fyra avbetalningar den 15 oktober 2010, samt
den 15 januari, den 15 april och den 15 juni 2011.
Försäljningen är ett led i den partnerstrategi som styrelsen tidigare antagit i syfte att öka
intjäningsförmågan inom Entropia Universe. Med fler aktörer inom den virtuella miljön kan
marknadsföringen av plattformen intensifieras. MindArk och First Planet Company har idag ett
vinstdelningsavtal om 50 procent vardera. Om rättigheterna till Calypso säljs ut från koncernen
kvarstår vinstdelningsavtalet 50/50 men då med köparen. MindArk förväntar sig en substansiell
ökning av Calypsos intäkter när köparen startar marknadsföringen av planeten mot
slutanvändare samt börjar tillföra nytt innehåll till planeten.

Google translated to english (to lazy to do it myself)
One of the company's existing partners, the plane has signed a supplemental agreement with MindArk.
The partner may be entitled to under the contract, payment in lieu of obtaining a higher
percent profit sharing,
maximum of 70 percent against the previously agreed 50 per cent. The Agreement applies to a planet that is still
is under development and not yet operational.
MindArk has until May 2010 received U.S. $ 0.55 million in compensation for the one-
future profit sharing percentage of 5 percent. Selects the counterparty to use the whole call option
MindArk will receive an additional $ 1.6 million during the remainder of 2010.
Mindarks subsidiary First Planet Company AB June 10 with a
international companies have signed a letter of intent (Letter of Intent) on the sale of
all rights to the planet Calypso for an aggregate purchase price of six million U.S. dollars. In
the signing buyer has deposited one million USD in a regular account of
Swedish bank. Before a final agreement on the sale of the rights of First Planet Company may
signed, the buyer shall conduct a due diligence. This process is expected to be
completed by 15 August. In connection with the signing of the final
sales contract the buyer release the funds deposited. The remaining purchase price, five million
Dollars, shall be transferred to First Planet Company in four installments, October 15, 2010, and
January 15, April 15 to 15 June 2011.
The sale is part of the partner strategy previously adopted by the Board in order to increase
earning power in the Entropia Universe. With more players in the virtual environment can
marketing platform intensified. MindArk and First Planet Company currently has one
profit-sharing agreement on 50 percent each. If rights are sold out of the Calypso Group
profit-sharing agreement still 50/50 but with the buyer. MindArk expect substansiell
Calypso increase revenue when the buyer starts the marketing of the planet
end users and start adding new content to the planet.
Its only a matter of time until you log in and see an image of a dolphin saying "So long and thanks for all the fish!"

quite a few folks here on the forums believe it's just "creative budget balancing" to have fpc buy out the place from MA. Whether or not that's true, no one has admitted to yet. If it is true, it's very interesting that MA did some buyouts of itself like that a few years back... sort of makes you wonder what exactly they are doing and if it's hiding something?
uh, it was already sold to fpc. Think that information's timeline is out of whack -.-

Then why it has to be an unnamed company as opposed to FPC? look at the timeline in wikipedia and the info abailable to all of us regarding FPC owning the planet.....

Anyway, i could be wrong as i can't read the original document..... and that's the reason for this post!
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I bid 100 ped for Calypso.
quite a few folks here on the forums believe it's just "creative budget balancing" to have fpc buy out the place from MA. Whether or not that's true, no one has admitted to yet. If it is true, it's very interesting that MA did some buyouts of itself like that a few years back... sort of makes you wonder what exactly they are doing and if it's hiding something?

Yes they do ------> Tax.:)
All that's happened is fpc have bought the full rights to the planet off of ma to become a independent planet partner.

Ma only do the platform and have no interest in having any rights to a planet.

If anything this is a good thing
Then why it has to be an unnamed company as opposed to FPC? look at the timeline in wikipedia and the info abailable to all of us regarding FPC owning the planet.....

Anyway, i could be wrong as i can't read the original document..... and that's the reason for this post!

Staffas's translation sesm to shed light on it - which indicates it's already been sold (maybe that explains calypso gateway)
IMO one company that should buy it if they have the funds...Crytek.
What I think:

MA started FPC as a new company to put in charge of planet calypso.
But they did own all the shares of FPC.

I think they will just sell the shares of FPC now to raise money.
OMG! NO!!! pretty please, don't sell our planet!! :(
We know what we have and it's becoming very good indeed!
Hell knows what we might have if it's sold... :s

I have a feeling that the company actually is Marco Behrmann him self with help from others. I have no proof.

Marco have had a good income from MindArk together with his roleplay writing on the side with several projects that's going really good. He has lots of friends in the roleplay comunity in Sweden and probably met a lot of people with funding. The "secret" company has allready payed $500.000 and that's not much money at all.
Right, so ... Rights to Calypso will be sold, profit sharing will be 50/50 between the MA group and the buyer of the rights to Calypso (instead of FPC/MA each getting 50%). Where will this leave FPC? What will FPC be doing after Calypso has been bought?

Then why it has to be an unnamed company as opposed to FPC? look at the timeline in wikipedia and the info abailable to all of us regarding FPC owning the planet.....

It has to be an unnamed company because if it really effectively is just FPC buying Calypso out, and everybody moving, then it will still be a separate, differently named company. Calypso Planetary Adventures or whatever. And people financing that deal will want it to be non-public until its done. Same if it is not FPC doing a buyout.

Two things. Why is Calypso and not FPC being bought? How come the increased summer spawn ends a week before the sale?
1. FPC already owns planet Calypso, the took over the planet when FPC was created.
2. MA owns 100 % of the FPC company.
3. FPC will probably not be sold, it's the rights to the planet, and the current FPC will probably be the ones in charge of running the planet, but maybe as a part of a diffrent company.

I think this is only a way to bring on more financial resources to be able to expand and increase the marketing, and they are paying for it by give up some of the future income from the planet. A second cause for the deal is to make all planet seperate from MA. With this deal MA will not own any planet anymore and can't be accused to favoritize their own planet
If i believe the report .. the ünkown company buys 50% of the stock of FPC for 6 million .. So Meaning FPC gets more money to develop. MA get less to interfere and we get a better game ?

This was discussed in the thread above so it's not new.

However in staffas post:
One of the company's existing partners, the plane has signed a supplemental agreement with MindArk.

This whole statement thing seems to be new and this part in particular got my interest.

So is this saying an existing planet partner is buying Calypso and is this existing planet partner called "the plane" :scratch2:
I think their latest financial reports show they have run out of money so they are selling everything (Crystal Palace, Calypso, Castle in Germany, Percentage of profit share for planet in development) so they have money to continue operating for this year.
So is this saying an existing planet partner is buying Calypso and is this existing planet partner called "the plane" :scratch2:

No - that part was not about sale of calypso, it was about a upfront payment that will allow the other party to receive 70% of their planet revenue in the future instead of 50/50 share. Which planet this applies to is not specified.
This was discussed in the thread above so it's not new.

However in staffas post:

This whole statement thing seems to be new and this part in particular got my interest.

So is this saying an existing planet partner is buying Calypso and is this existing planet partner called "the plane" :scratch2:

The swedish word "planet" can be translated both as "planet" and "the plane" and google got confused wether it says the plane partner or planet partner.
The correct translation would be "One of the company's existing planet partners has signed..." etc. without any mention of a plane or a name for the company in question.
"Welcome to EA... Universe!" ;)

If I had a service where I had to do extra-deals outside of the service to
be able to run my business, I think I should look at the problem that don't
make the daily use of my service to run properly.
Getting stucked in old habits and ideas can be very bad for a company... :rolleyes:;)
This was discussed in the thread above so it's not new.

However in staffas post:

This whole statement thing seems to be new and this part in particular got my interest.

So is this saying an existing planet partner is buying Calypso and is this existing planet partner called "the plane" :scratch2:

no planes , no boats , most probably just faulty google translation :laugh:
please some swedish speaker , translate that again in proper english .

EDIT : mjukis was faster and read my thoughts while i was typing . no wonder he is member in warrants :laugh: .
good luck !
ah I am sad now and lost . This is so hopeless , just hope we dont all end up on some pile of dungs...


Most of people wont really care, but for regular customers like us... we do like ot know if we are going to get the same food as before..

wel it taste very badly, but we are used to this kind of bad food. I dont want to adapt my taste to an other bad food...