Check Your MU % before Selling


Old Alpha
Sep 10, 2010
Dirty Dingo's
Avatar Name
RJ Rob James
Hi all,

This is just a thread message asking people who sell ores and enmatter in twins peaks and cnd and other places to please always check your MU % before you click the accept trade, i have came across various avatars now that when we sell ores to them, they say they dont see a certain ore or enmatter in the trade window, and they dont give any MU for it, so you are all thinking what am i getting at, PLEASE people use a calculator and add the % up yourself it isnt difficult, i know it is a pain doing that, but it is common sense lol. That way people will be better off for it too.....


RJ Rob

p.s i wont reply to this thread itis just a kind of helpful thread message for all thnk you and good luck :)
Good habbit for anyone in game. I would think many do it but wouldn't be surprised when people don't bother to double check.
Ah yes... great
not as if there isn't a tab which gives a LIST of all items.

The traders using this excuse could actually do it on purpose......
I calculate before hand how much is the stuff at weekly market value, then see what the trader pays me. If is acceptble margin of profit ok, if not, not.
"oh sorry, i forgot"
lol sure

I havent used traders on street for more than 2 yrs and Im happy about it
Personally i mine very little but if i do, i sell my ores to orders or traders. In my opinion everyone should do some calculating before selling the ores to traders to see how mutch they actually lose over the long period of the time and to ensure that there is not any errors to happen or some1 trying to scam :wise:
since i play this game i have a calculator next to my comp and i think its a must-have!!
on the other hand i keep asking meself why there is no ingame calc like, i guess, was often suggested here :scratch2:
Sounds like they are trying to rip you off. There are 2 window tabs, if they trade frequently, they can probably give you an odd ball guess @ MU.

Like, if its something totally uncommon maybe... but if its as common as the main ore/enms founds offering no MU is just plain BS, they can easily offer you an undervalued guess even.

Personally the market value system is very flawed. Most times you look at ore/enmatter there is people who are manipulating the market, and many times the value is higher then what is actually offered.

I do a lot of my buying near auction when I do trade, I can look at real rates at the time, I can compare order prices so that people can be informed whether I will beat orders, or do worse.... and then I can also pay them what the real value is. Sometimes its higher, sometime its lower then the graph would say - deduction.

Id say if someone did that move on you though offering no MU, swap traders, sounds like scum. Its sad... many traders are bad.... and many will rip you off and can rip you off because most people dont calculate their stuff up. You ned to find someone you trust, and use them over and over.

Best thing to do is test your trader, if you've used him a lot, randomly add up your ore/enmatters @ a -3 to -5% rate on all MUs and see your total.... if theirs total looks lower then this by any large margin, then you might want to swap traders. (Mind you low MU stuff should have -% lower, while high % stuff needs to have higher deduction.)