FYI: Top 100 Avatars in Entropia (2011)

927 more skills to go and 36 hours to get them in!!
few small updates.... Last one for 2011

See you all in 2012.
ENTROPIAS MOST WANTED is not in cK anymore.
not to be rude hijacker but you prolly wont make the list cuz 300k was last years and they have had 1 year to grow. You need at least 350k XD
dang I only made it to 211k this year :( I guess I'll have more grinding away to do next year! Shoot ... :(

Lol I'm like 400 skills short, that's what I get for spending yesterday grinding on my girlfriend instead of grinding skills :D
Lol I'm like 400 skills short, that's what I get for spending yesterday grinding on my girlfriend instead of grinding skills :D

o0o0 uhhhhhhh.......................... :yay: :yay:

but you need 50k more XD
o0o0 uhhhhhhh.......................... :yay: :yay:

but you need 50k more XD

100th place is 300K, so yeah I can make it with 300,001 skills, just need to squeeze in before new years lol.
you're time is running Jacky shan!
18m left! (MA time it is)
100th place is 300K, so yeah I can make it with 300,001 skills, just need to squeeze in before new years lol.

Got 11 minutes MA time to buy something from auction Hijacker!

Settle for first new 300k player of 2012 instead. ;)
Total skill count as of MA new years is 299536, better luck next year!