A Generalists Blog

Really enjoyed reading your thread, fun to read about all your activities. Gl Parlog


nice man,hope your loot solo gets better :)

i hope so too, but i stoped to expect the big hits even though i try to aim at them with firepower and big amps...

What an incredible luck :eyecrazy:

You have the potential to become a trully inspiration for EU comunity, Parlog.

Next round will be on spiders? ;)

Marco stated EU has nothing to do with luck, but i am curious how he would judge this case. Yes i agree with you, this is a clear example of how LUCK can play a role. This kinda luck can only be triggered by beeing a reputable socializer. Reputation leads to trust, leads to jobs like predamager, leads to opportunity, leads to gratitude and therefore leads to return. I believe in not much, but i believe in this!

yeah had a quick visit at Cajuze, before i decided that it might be more wise to change to Legios for the Mad Prophet quest.

Very nice Parlog!
Go,go,go! :wtg:

Thx, always appreciate a pat on the back :)
Some thoughts, a tltr but you better do...

In retrospect a log like this suffers from a certain blur. I try to record everything i do to my best knowledge, but the things i do are happening in an digitized environment that at its best tries to appear as analogue as possible (reality is analogue and a virtual reality at its best is analogue too), i am an analogue beeing in an analogue world and i try to digitize the things i do. So i state some factors that create that blur:

- estimation of MU and the problem of unsold auctioned items
- auction fees (the bigger the tt of an item and the bigger the MU the more accurate is the information i give)
- i am a gamer not an accountant, so sometimes i create costs i am unaware of. :drink:
- i am vague about fap costs and spendings on ME as well as oil for the ship
- i sell ammo to the TT in the stacks they come, well aware of the fact that this makes me lose on a micropec scale
- i die and shoot, tp or fly out of a situation
- the game lags
- i have a soc and sometimes help out, or meet to trade
- i get bargains, presents, find things on the ground
- i kill mob thats in the way
- i might stop using one item and use another one instead, or one calcu has the price of a full Apis included the next 3 hunts dont.
- i sometimes forget things, like small repairs
- i sometimes do small tests or take 20 probes with me, that i dont note down
... and and and

so the picture i give you is a floating one and i use to offset now and then to let the error rate get not too big. With help of the offset calculation, i keep the error rate under +-5%

There are unseen repair cycles that still might play a role in the longterm calculation. While i have to repair my orerefiner and tp chip only once a year, my mindforce implant every 3 months, my L-faps last only weeks, my L-guns only a day or 2 and the usual mining amp under one hour.

Another factor is beeing human and therefore sometimes beeing prone to emotion and therefore and emotional acts.

-This whole forum is stuffed with information about the game, but in my nearly 5 years here i think i have never read the term "emotional act' before! (in german Affekthandlung i hope i found the right english word for it, funny the word Affe -Ape is in the word Affekt)

I would postulate that emotional acts are Mind Arks greatest income source!

So put on my thinking hat and see EU through the eyes of a psychology student:

A run was shitty, grrrr i tt it, the return is too diversified, the stacks to small to auction off, grrr i tt it, i could walk, i could fly, but i need to be there asap, so i jump. Pedcard is empty so i trade the stuff off to the next best street-trader instead of waiting for the good one, 3% loss on average, wtf cares. This mob pissed me off darn crits! (may you apologize this emotional language but this is the everyday experience) ...it must DIE! A player killed me in PvP and looted 5ped off of me, so i spend another 5ped on a new toxic shot and another 5ped to have my revenge. Auctions do not sell so i need to dump my stuff to tt or elsewhere, all i need are PEDS!...Crap! All this didnt help to hit a big one, damn it i depo...

i could go on and on and on... all this stuff happens to me, to you , to everybody who is playing this game!

And these are only the aspects of negative emotions. Lets come to the positive...

Still shaking because you just have hit the biggie? I bet your point of view on generosity towards other players just has altered. Having a nice disciple, or had a good chat? Youre more likely to give things away for free or for a good price to people that touched your soul. Got a nice present from another player, you might be tempted to return the favor or show the same generosity to another player.

So basically all this and much more are aspects of the blur of the analogue world. Now EU is a virtual world full of human beeings. Our reputation on those positive emotions is huge, they forge the community we are! But speaking about the negative side, the emotional acts seem to stay in secrecy and seem to be a taboo to most participants, because everybody knows by instinct that falling prone to these emotional acts is weak, and thus is wrong. Instead we see their effect or outer appearance in many occasions, tend to ignore them on a good day, but get sucked in on a bad day.

Its frustration that the latest deposit is gone already that leads to what i call ped despair, the urge to sell quick and underpriced to the next best opportunity, even if its the TT, which again leads to latest deposit rather quickly, which most likely leads again to frustration and ped despair and the vicious circle starts anew. The big picture of an addiction.

Kept in this circle we are most likely to go to the forum and start a rant, a whine thread or worse. And we blame MA, the ubahs, the crafters, the resellers, the big money guys and whatnot... where in fact we should blame ourselves for wrong behaviour...

i could go on and on and on... all this stuff happens to me, to you , to everybody who is playing this game!

i often stated that this game is not a gamble but a competition, actually that depends on you and as you look at it. I said in the first state you need to beat the system in the next state your competition. But in fact... first and foremost you need to beat yourself. Maybe beat yourself is a little hard expression, you could turn it around and tell it, teach yourself certain virtues. Patience and Discipline are the two virtues that help you avoid the mistakes mentioned above.

What you make out of it, is on you!
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Great post Parlog :)
I like it !
The notion of fallability with a touch of irony, but moreso the reflective humaness in tension with the competative aspects what we do in here.:)
Nice sharing your thinking Parlog, hope you don't mind letting me add mine. :)

Beat yourself is true, though I'd say it another way.
Instead of being in the fight/agressive logic of "beating" myself, I'd rather accept what I am. Yes I am a living analog (I borrow that sry ^^) human, with my weaknesses and "bad" habits.
This is ofc how I judge them (the habits), thus myself, because the behaviors come before the speech. You cannot change something you don't see or you refuse to see/accept.
So accepting to judge myself in a constructive way, not to depreciate myself, and accepting who I tuly am is the first step to change. That ofc requires a HUGE amount of courage (around 20K....errr.... see how much I'm addicted? :p ).

Then freedom is within your reach.

Are ppl ready for it?

Greetings my free friends :)
No, no NO! You're not supposed to admit the mistakes are yours. You're supposed to blame MA/SDS/NDS for all your loses. :laugh: (Please note the sarcasm :wise:)

Honestly, it's very refreshing to see someone admit they aren't perfect with regard to financial decisions, especially ingame. (I know I'm sure not.)

However, there is one point I'd like to correct for you, even if just to make you feel better.

- i sell ammo to the TT in the stacks they come, well aware of the fact that this makes me lose on a micropec scale

You lose nothing. All those micropecs are still stored on your account, even if your "ped card balance" doesn't show them.

Proof - remove all but 10.00 ped from your card. Now go buy 10.00 ped of ammo, but before you finish the sale, you can click the last 2 digits up a few digits before the buy button goes grey (meaning you're buying more than what's on your card.)

In other words, with 10.00 on your ped card, you'll be able to buy, for example, 10.0034 in ammo.

I've also sold sweat 1 at a time to the TT until my ped card increased 1 pec. It something like took 539 exactly. (can't recall the exact number, but you get the point.)
It's all JohnCapital's fault! :cussing:

On a serious note though: well done on figuring out half the reason why most people lose their asses off in EU (the other half being ppl doing stuff not suited for their skills). Truly discipline and patience are the very key to breaking even in EU, if that is your objective, as long as you play within what your skills allow and think ahead both on the market value of the decay you'll incur as well as that of the loot you'll be getting back.

When people complain they're losing their asses off 'playing eco', it's either because they're making the splurging mistakes you've mentioned while completely unaware of it; because they have a flawed notion of what their current playing level is or should be; because they don't calculate MU of equipment used (both in cases of (L) or unmaxed UL gear) vs MU of loot gained; or any combination of the previous.
Run 25

Walking the path
Comments: I returned back to the Legios and that paid off. I had a really nice run with several minis and several globals.
After i had finished the quest i killed my Apis on Eviscerators, i still was able to kill 58/100 of them before the gun broke.
So thats where i am at in my quest for rifle skill. Last night i saw on the hoflist that EnMatter mining might be good. So i got me an MA103 Amp and tried my luck on TI. This was a loss though...

a) Walking the path:
Peds spent in order i have spent them:
119ped Apis
12.31ped Amp
300ped Ammo


TT return: 443.90ped

Return after MU: 536.90ped (~120.5% MU)

Profit/Loss this run: +93ped

b) Mad Prophet Evis Quest: 58 kills so far
Peds spent in order i have spent them:
19.87ped Amp
120ped Ammo
28.28ped Amp
100ped Ammo
peds spent: 268.15ped


TT return: 166.41ped

Estimated Return after MU: 168.41ped (101%):bs:

Profit/Loss this run: -99.74ped

c) Enmatter run: MA103 / 111probes

Peds spent: 176.50ped


TT return: 104.26ped

Estimated return after MU: 130.32ped (~125%)
(note: this MU calculation includes ~1.6k sweat)

Profit/Loss this run: -46.17ped

Profit/Loss total all 3 runs: -52.91ped

Profit/Loss total: -1842.48ped

Comments: So one of them 2k peders would help now. Of those i had about 2 or 3 per year before the big hit. Since then not one even though i doubled my avergae turnover since then...
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Your post from 5-10-2011 above is a post everyone needs to read. Great log and analysis.

Good Luck!
Great fun to read :)
subscribed ...

What I find most interesting to see that spiders have next to no markup. Unless you loot an ESI, there really isn't anything they drop that is worth collecting (and selling in big stacks).

I have the benefit of daily income due to the LA's I bought (a massive investment upfront before ppl start to yelp) so even if I go through days and days with losses, I have always 'fresh' ped coming in every day, BUT reading through your blog wants me to kinda not go after spiders once I finished my trox mission. That said, I am sure I will anyway, lol

I don't really have many ideas you could improve. Surely you play uneco in a way, but if you were just to go out with an opallo, it wouldn't be much fun.

Go get that 10k tower (preferably on my LA :) :)

Good luck

i dont think that i am uneco. My internet connection is uneco, but my dpp is at 2.95 and my killspeed good enough that the spiders reach me halfdead. My armor is kinda well balanced, i do about 50% of the spiders without faping in between. I try to do them one by one, but if you know this game, you know this is not always the case.Sure thing this is no IMK2 Mod Fap Combo and i got 169.6hp so 3% of the crits from young still kill me. But i am just a casual gamer :poke:, one with 1227/10k:tongue2:
Run 26

Comments: With my socm8 Kilya i went to the crater and did the last Evis for the third Mad Prophet quest. It took half an hour to kill the last 52 mob for the quest, now i am also owner of the Book of the Machines and i took rifle skill that made me rankup to Elite Rifle Skill. Then i deposited some ped, and did some necccesary things like tiering my orefinder. I had ~80ped tt left on my Apis and i decided to kill it on... you guess it... spiders. The first run started poor, but then an old spawned on me and i decided to kill it no matter the costs. I have to admit that i had a really hard fight, it was about the fifth old spider i soloed and one of the hardest too. Apis Dante tier 2 dmg-enhanced doesnt seem to be the right gun for old spiders... its too small, still i did it after spending ammo worth a Daspletor Kill on it. This paid off -Global with a Coral gem. The second gem i got from Araneatrox so far. Shortly after i had a second global that brought me in even out ranges. After this run was quite okay i made another one to kill the Apis and i got another 2 globals, one contained the third drop of brain oil.

a) 52 Eviscerators to finish the Mad Prophet quest.

peds spent in order i have spent it:

144ped Apis tier 2 (104ped tt)
186ped Ammo
32ped Amp
8ped Armor
370ped spent


TT return: 153.48ped

Return after MU: 156.48ped (~102% MU)

Profit/Loss this run: -213.52ped

b) 40 spiders after tiering orefinder

Peds spent in order i have spent them:
40ped Amp
300ped Ammo
28.23ped Armor (wow yeah that was the old)
368.23ped spent


TT return: 375.79ped

Estimated return after MU: 387.06 (103% MU)

Profit/Loss this run: +18.83ped

c) Another Spider run upto 1227/10k

Peds spent i.o.i.h.s.t.:
300ped Ammo
60.10ped Amp
17.43ped Armor
377.53ped spent


TT return: 408.93ped

Estimated return after MU: 416.05 (103% MU)

Profit/Loss this run: +38.52

Profit/Loss all 3 runs: -156.17ped

Profit/Loss total: -1998.65

Comments: sigh... back to -2k... i am back out to kill some more, look how soon i need a wonder again...
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Just a quick question: do you reckon all the skills you gained ever since you started this log would be worth ~2k PEDs?

Just something a lot of people forget to keep in mind when they think they're experiencing a long loss streak.
(And, just in case, before anyone starts a huge discussion about this: yes, I know skills don't have a de facto TT value, rather the ESIs do, but anyone who doesn't consider skills as part of their return is a fool.)
Just a quick question: do you reckon all the skills you gained ever since you started this log would be worth ~2k PEDs?

Just something a lot of people forget to keep in mind when they think they're experiencing a long loss streak.
(And, just in case, before anyone starts a huge discussion about this: yes, I know skills don't have a de facto TT value, rather the ESIs do, but anyone who doesn't consider skills as part of their return is a fool.)

in fact i only count rifle (another part of the blur) and it should just have stepped over the 1k ped mark in value since run 8 (rifleskills of Mad Prophet quest included) in my activity there are approximately 40-50 skills involved, so i guess so yes.

The problem here is, if i count without ESI as i should the things look worse. So count ~310 ped in rifle-skill without chip, that should be more accurate. Rifle is a skill with a relatively weak MU, for other skills which have smaller growth rate the ratio looks better, even though they dont grow that much. But all in all, if you count in faping, evade, DMG+Hit, Surv+Drilling, Prosp+Mining, the small steps in crafting, the highly skillefficient pyrokinetic and all the relating skills, they should add up to 2k skills or at least should be within 90% of that. So thats what i would consider worst case in a calculation where chips go for 750% MU.
Run 27

Comment: Two more spider runs. One really bad, the other one really good. First one had not a single global. Several respawns made this a tough one. I ran into several Providers, a size i can only do with Shadow and Faper. With my current setup they seem to always hit and do 80-150 damage, i have not a chance against them. The second run started bad also, after half the run, i started to get small globals again, techincally i need at least four 50-60ped globals to make a small profit, so i was prepared for a huge loss at the end of the run. Fortunately the second last Spider was a 443ped HoF :wtg:

Peds spent in order that i spent them:
252.15ped Apis
50.25ped Amp
300ped Ammo
31,47ped Armor
62.63ped Amp
300ped Ammo
29.85ped Armor
1026.35ped total spent


TT return total: 1079.92ped

Return after MU: ~1123.11ped (estimated 104% MU)

Profit/Loss this run: +53.57ped

Profit/Loss total: -1945.08ped

Comment: Due to the high loss in run1 the HoF was almost completely eaten up. At least the Apis is paid but to get out of the red it will take more than that. I can cut down my costs per run by 25ped using the best offerson the market for Apis and UR125. I am also looking forward to get my Dmg Enhancers cheaper, but thats no easy task. Next monday i will go back to germany and will have my old connection back. All in all this should make me about 35ped cheaper per run, thats a lot! I hope all this works out...
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Parlogs RL Avatar is down for mentanance and packing his suitcases. Tomorrow he will move back to Germany. Job in Canada done, and even though he had a lot of work to do, he had a great time in the Rockies! The Canadiens are nice people and most of the guests he had in the Hotel where he worked were really nice too. He gained some more insight in the life, behaviour and thinking of people from many different nations. He also learned a lot about himself. Many of the things he needed in Canada he learned on a small planet called Calypso...
Have a good trip back to Germany :)

I have a bottle of champagne ready to open as soon as you get back on track rolling those peddies like you used to :wtg:
So a welcome back soon :yay: Hope you'll appreciate the wireline here :p
i dont think that i am uneco. My internet connection is uneco, but my dpp is at 2.95 and my killspeed good enough that the spiders reach me halfdead. My armor is kinda well balanced, i do about 50% of the spiders without faping in between. I try to do them one by one, but if you know this game, you know this is not always the case.Sure thing this is no IMK2 Mod Fap Combo and i got 169.6hp so 3% of the crits from young still kill me. But i am just a casual gamer :poke:, one with 1227/10k:tongue2:

Hmm MR. Casual Gamer :laugh:, care to share how you get 2.95dpp & 50% of young spiders are dead at you're feet?
Something is not correct here I think, unless you did some serious upgrades
Hmm MR. Casual Gamer :laugh:, care to share how you get 2.95dpp & 50% of young spiders are dead at you're feet?
Something is not correct here I think, unless you did some serious upgrades

Maybe 2.95 is the dpp considering max damage not average damage of the weapon.

I understand that 50% of the young spiders reach him with half HP, not 50% spiders reach him dead.
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Hmm MR. Casual Gamer :laugh:, care to share how you get 2.95dpp & 50% of young spiders are dead at you're feet?
Something is not correct here I think, unless you did some serious upgrades

read again Das! Well the 2.95% is what entropedia spits out for a Apis Dante Tier 2 dmg enhanced. But with mu included its less you are right. i meant when i shoot a spider they do their first hit on me, when their energy bar is halfway down. On young and mature at least i can say this

EDIT: -log closed-
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1. First pic, thats me dancing on the table on Zumis birthday party many years ago.
2. The second pic was a special moment for me, as the pic obviously shows i had one hell of a Kingfisher hunt.
3. This is how WoF began for me in Team Germany. Back then i heard of a gun with sick dmg output. Apis+Dante.
4. Fourth picture shows me after the laser-hg shock where i got so sick of loots that i changed skilling to Apis Dante.
5. In the process of Apis Dante powergaming i became friend of and pilot for Tarjan Armin Arrakis. This is me shouting for seats in preVU10 Twin Peaks.
6. Decembre 6th 2010 I finally forced Entropy to bend over.
7. His Majesty the Action-Jackson of Space-Taxiness
8. My style Novembre 2011

Comming soon: The Scip Logs
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Breaking news!


One of the biggest scientific disputes between four leading experts is currently taking place in Oshiri Hearts on Calypso. In one thing all four scientists are coming to the same conclusion: The somewhat alien animal Scipulor is able to speak words!

Professor Alice Bellyham from the zoological institute in Atlas Heaven is one of the luminaries in the fields of alien behaviourism and the leading scientist in calypsean Xenobiology. She claims: “The animal Scipulor clearly says ROFL when it attacks an opponent and that indicates that it is capable of expressing complex feelings towards other beings! In this case we see the expression ROFL as some kind of mockery towards the hunters that are foolish enough to attack this aggressive predator.”

The communication expert Dr. Herbert Nolan, the very inventor of the scientific field of interracial alien communication disagrees and has a theory of his own: “We have to see the bigger picture here and be very careful with quick decisions. We are pretty sure that the Scipulor is an import from an alien world with a biosphere based on leaves with the shape of yellowish waffles. And thats exactly what the Scipulor says, when it attacks: WAFFLES! It simply wants to express that it wants to go back to its natural environment where its perfectly camouflaged and adapted. Look at the primary weapon of this so called predator, it’s a wafflespit, perfect for the skewering of huge wafflelike leaves. So in fact, the Scipulor isn’t even a predator but a herbivore, our very aggressive behaviour towards it simply makes it defend itself with the wafflespit!”
To support his theory he has sent us a picture that gives his thoughts a certain credibility.

He states: “As you can see its not even easy to find a Scipulor in its natural environment and it must be a world full of huge wafflelike leaves and structures. So its “waffles” what it is shouting for. Easy as this, its waffles!”

Nolan´s partner Dr. Heffner totally agrees to this theory and even takes it one step further:
“We analyzed a far array of animalic expressions on Planet Calypso and came to the conclusion that no other animal is as chatty and intelligent as the Scipulor. We even think we decoded what it says when it uses its secondary attack and if we can proof what we found the result will be a revolutionary, epic step in the science of interracial communications between alien beeings! We believe the Scipulor is also able to say the words NUTRIO BARS and this is to be seen as some kind of friendly invitation to tame this animal! The Scipulor is highly adaptive and trying to learn our language, but its organic features are the reason why it still has problems to articulate the words perfectly.”

The greathunter Parlog Gothakaur from Calypso sees the theories of the communication experts a little sceptic:
“ROFL, WAFFLE I am not so sure about this part of the story. But I am 100% sure it doesn’t say Nutrio Bars. To me it sounds more like HUMAN SAUCE, which clearly shows it likes to feed on our blood. It could be that the Scipulor wants waffles with human blood, just like in this picture here:

…or it also could be that the ROFL is more an expression of joy like , “Yeah nice, human Sauce!” - “ROFL HUMAN SAUCE” and thus he is tempted to support Bellyhams theory of a truly terrific predator.

The research will go on and until final results can be proven the four scientists will clash with their opinions
Hahahahaha :laugh::laugh::lolup:

This really made my day.
Thanks to brighten up my day
just one word: NECRO!

a one hundred million days seem to have passed since i last fed this blog, hmm onehundred million of ammo or so, some serious chipping out, some regaining back, some adventure, some fun, new teachers, new dsciples, both of them surprisingly hot right now, new bargains, new opportunities, holy shit my head is gonna explode, i love you all! wtf
okay okay, it wasnt a hundred million of ammo, it actually was a billion...
to be exact 7.7 billion ammo later