Support Failed to provide answers, inquiry about the EULA/ToU

Jul 3, 2008
Death Unlimited
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Johan Roadkill Deadmeat
failed to copy the first Part but i asume you could guess i'm talking about the EULA... i hope i made an accurate translation but you'll get the point

you wrote:
är Mindark PE AB bunden under dessa förutsättningar och vad hindrar dem från att bryta mot dessa? Vad händer om kontraktet bryts av MA då paragraf 10 inte gäller

Is Mindark PE AB bound under the same prerequisite and what exactly prevents them to violate these, what woudl happen if MA failed to meet the terms in the contract when it does not fall under paragraph10?

MindArk's failure to perform any term or condition of this Agreement as a result of conditions beyond its control such as, but not limited to, war, strikes, fires, floods, acts of God, governmental restrictions, power failures, or damage or destruction of any network facilities or servers, shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement.

står EULA'n/ToU'n över svensk lag?

is any part of the EULA above swedish law? (obiously it's not but i wanted them having said it)

3. paragraf 7 säger följande
As part of your interactions with the System, you may acquire, create, design, or modify Virtual Items, but you agree that you will not gain any ownership interest whatsoever in any Virtual Item, and you hereby assign to MindArk all of your rights, title and interest in any such Virtual Item.

A. om vi inte äger föremål vad betalar vi för?
B. "deeds" är ett kontrakt om ägorätt faller detta under paragraf 7 likasom?
c. om vi inte är ägare varför är det min rätt att sälja alla föremål jag har tillgång till och ta ut dessa i riktig valuta?

Paragraph 7 states the following:
A: if we d not own any items what do we pay for?
B: "Deed" is a contract of ownership does this fall under paragraph 7 aswell?
C: If we are not the owners of the items we inhabit then why is it my right to sell these and withdraw it into real cash?

regarding paragraf 9


om Mindark inte håller någon garanti om ett "bugfritt" "spelande" vad ger MA rätt att banna spelare som använt sig av dessa? MA har inte givigt upplysningar om vad som faller och inte faller under paragraf 9 det ingår alltså inte i varje deltagares kunskap om spel upplevelsen vad som inte var menat att finnas.

utan rätt kunskap kan vi omedvetet bryta mot paragraf 16. moraliskt sett gör detta MA till med kompanjon till brott mot kontraktet och därför bör MA ta ansvar och informera sina klienter.
är det inte eran skyldighet att göra så?


Mary Mary Jane
Bannad för användning av en så kallad sleipnir på ett sätt som inte var avsett

Funktionen fanns där och är helt naturligt det är ingen bug eller något som inte borde funnits

detta hade kunnat förhindrats om MA tagit ansvar och förklara vad som faller under ovannämnda paragraf 9

I andra fall som i självklarhet faller under paragraf 9 har MA tagit avstånd till eller reagerat segt eller utan intresse, även dessa ger speciella förmåner och skulle tagits hand om omgående

Tex, attribute gains(avklarad),equipment som inte förfaller(halvt avklarad)duplication(avklarad men dåligt utförd finns fortfarande items pga denna) 101(avklarad men finns hög värde items som vunnits genom denna)

detta leder till även om spelaren har kunskaper om buggen/exploit kan denna ges speciella förmåner

If MA does not guarantee a "bug Free" gameplay what gives them the right to ban players who used them? Since MA does not provide any infromation about what falls under paragraph 9 it is not included in the knowlage of the players what is a part of the gameplay and what is not

without the proper knowlage we may without knowing so violate the EULA paragraph 16. from a morla point of view it makes MA an accomplice of crimes against the contract and thusly MA should take responsibillity and inform their clients. Is it not your duty to do so?

as an example:

Mary Mary Jane
Banned for use of Sleipnir that was not intended.

It was a Fully natural function, no bug and no hacking (addition: from a moral point of view we can understand it is wrong, but for new players this could seem natural

This could have been prevented if MA took responsibillity and informed us what falls under paragraph 9

in other cases where it has been clear as glass a violation of paragraph 9 MA has acted reluctantly,slowly or without intrest in matters that gave some players an advatage, they should have been delt with emediatly

further examples:

attribute gains(has been delt with), items that does not decay,(poorly delt with not sure if completed?), duplication(extremly poorly hendled) many items stil exist, 101(delt with) but not in time and as far as i know some still lost their items

this will only lead to that the player might knowingly violate the contract in order to gain an advantage

Jag antar att det är mitt ansvar att ta kontakt med MA om några problem,komplikationer,frågor skulle uppstå men vad händer om MA avstår från att lösa eller reagera på dessa? har de då "forfited" deras rätt att ta hand om fallet?

i guess it is my responsibillity to contact MA if any complications or questions should arise but what happens when MA refrains from solving or correctly react to these? if they should not handle the matter with intrest or without response have they then forfited their right to handle these matters?

regarding paragraf 16 sektion N
om information som skulle vara skadlig för MA släpps är det MA's skyldighet att motbevisa detta

skulle MA agera passivt kan korrekt och regelaktig information ses som rykten och där falla för paragraf 16 tack vare MA vilket vore att böja sanningen för att gynna företaget

Regarding paragraph 16 section N
if Infromation hazzardus to MA should be realeased is it MA's duty to prove the information false or true?
should MA act by not responding then correct information "by the book" could be viewed as mere rumors and could therefore fall under paragraph 16 thanks soly to MA which would be to bend or hide the thruth in order to benefit the company

"all trades are Final"
Detta är något som MA använt som en sköld mot att göra ngt när vissa har blivit "scammade" men verkar böjas efter vilja är detta inte ett brott mot överenskommelsen mellan spelarna och MA?

"all trades are final"
this is something MA has used as a shield against taking action when some have been scammed, but seems to be bent at will (i will not name any examples openly) Is this not a crime against the agreement between MA and the players?

MA's syn på "third party programs"
program så som autoklickers är idag en del av entropia plattformen men varför har MA tolererat dessa program i många år före medan ett fåtal fall har blivit bannade?

autoklickers ger inget övertag över endra och skulle inte störa spelandet men är like så förbjudet av kontraktet

även andra program som har gett övertag över andra har "accepterats"

och även entropiatracker (nu sanktionerat av MA) vilket givigt information som kan ha gett övertag över andra

Det är min skyldighet att upprätthålla kontraktet men MA verkar gå fri från en sådan skyldighet

*luddiga paragrafer och regler
*dålig information
*böjer regler
*tar inte hand om buggar / exploits / problem som påverkar spelarna direkt utan större påverkan på företaget

skärp er era barnungar!

svar på frågor förväntas MVH/johan

om andra frågor uppkommer i efterhand skickas de snarligen

PS då mycket av det jag har tagit upp existerar än idag men då föll under EULA'n har jag använt mig av den som den såg ut då

om ändringar har gjorts sedan dess vänligen svara med åtanke hur EULA'n såg ut och bifoga vad ToUn säger om detta under ert svar för jämförelse

Ma's views on third party programs
Autoclickers is today a part of the entropia experience but why have MA tolerated them for so many years while some have been banned?

autoclickers does not give any extra advantage (unless your fingers are broken lulz) and yet they are prohibited by MA

yet some prgrams who has given advantages has been tolerated
PE assistance and entropia tracker (now sactioned by MA) gave important information which could have given others an advantage (not saying tracker should be removed i love it but it was still a third party program... i used it as an example since it is widly known and since MA openly accepted it)

It is my Duty to upphold the contract but MA seems relieved of such duty

*bending rules
*fuzzy rules
*poor info
* does not handle matters that does not directly influence the company

get your act straight you brats!

PS as some of the matters i've brought up is very old and still exist today i have used the old EULA as example if further changes has been made in the ToU to prevent these kind of situations then please include them with your answers for comparisment.

Also thanks MA for this great reply only took you 2weeks


Thank you for your patience.

I am sorry, but this case is not very specific and I am not sure exactly how we can assist you. I assume that your inquiry has to do with your Entropia Universe account or the use of it so please read the current EULA (2011-05-05) and our Terms of Use (2011-05-05) available at and come back to us with a more specific details about your issue. We are always happy to help!

Kind regards,

Pamela | Planet Calypso Support

you wrote:
define specified?

it't may be missplaced in cathegory because i was unsure where to post this but the questions are very simple, all i asked was to explain the EULA/ToU as it were and to provide additional info on what changed since then

since you guys wrote it i asumed discussing it wouldn't be this much of a trouble since it is poorly explained and I beeing obliged to follow it to continue playing felt it was my right to have it defined or explained


Thank you for your inquiry but, as you probably have seen at our Customer Support Policy, the Support Department can not help you with these kinds of Legal inquiries. Since there's nothing more to add and as we are currently implementing a new Support Portal, we will close this case.

We apologise for the abrupt conclusion to this case, but if you would like to continue your inquire, we kindly ask you to submit your inquiry in our new Support Portal.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Kind regards,

Your Entropia Universe Support Team
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Dude, din var ditt inlägg verkligen nödvändigt? Jag är ingen t säker på att det åstadkommit någonting som folk i allmänhet är medvetna om att TOU har mycket liten inverkan på konsumenternas rättigheter, och är skrivna i första hand för att skydda företagens intressen.

Mary Jane är förmodligen ett dåligt exempel att använda. En sådan individ har trovärdighet Calypto.

Oh well. :)

skärp er era barnungar! -- What a curious euphemism! :laugh:
Isnt there a rule to state supportcases in english since the support staff dont speak swedish??
So have you got any replies on this case?
Dude, din var ditt inlägg verkligen nödvändigt? Jag är ingen t säker på att det åstadkommit någonting som folk i allmänhet är medvetna om att TOU har mycket liten inverkan på konsumenternas rättigheter, och är skrivna i första hand för att skydda företagens intressen.

Mary Jane är förmodligen ett dåligt exempel att använda. En sådan individ har trovärdighet Calypto.

Oh well. :)

skärp er era barnungar! -- What a curious euphemism! :laugh:

i'm protecting my back in a future matter

Isnt there a rule to state supportcases in english since the support staff dont speak swedish??
So have you got any replies on this case?

translation added
i'm protecting my back in a future matter

Not really. If you want to protect yourself in a matter involving the TOU you should consult with an attorney who can draft a statement of intent on your part, based off their interpretation of the TOU.

MA is not going to give you a response that can potentially be used against them, but a lawyer can help you to see where the possible points of contention are. If you need to be taken seriously, its best to take being taken seriously seriously. :)

Written in English for those people who were offended at my ability to write in Swedish.
Not really. If you want to protect yourself in a matter involving the TOU you should consult with an attorney who can draft a statement of intent on your part, based off their interpretation of the TOU.

MA is not going to give you a response that can potentially be used against them, but a lawyer can help you to see where the possible points of contention are. If you need to be taken seriously, its best to take being taken seriously seriously. :)

Written in English for those people who were offended at my ability to write in Swedish.

hehe i'm not in trouble and wouldn't hire a lawyer to mess with them when i can do that for free
General terms of use won't be specific, that's why they are general terms of use :)

On specific stuff they will give out information if you should do things or not and if they dont it was probably an issue that was clear from the start. (Current example: Official in Arkadia forum stating, that dealing with mob X is not considered bug using)

You dont need to point out that using items that wont decay is against terms or that using bugs to duplicate items is. That should be clear to anyone who does it. The Sleipnir case could be something else that needs specific information given, before you punish someone.

Edit: Don't use the word crime, in this cases it would be something like tort. Crime is only applied in criminal law.
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(*I wonder just how many lawyers Mindark has hired in the last several months? ;)*)
Isnt there a rule to state supportcases in english since the support staff dont speak swedish??
So have you got any replies on this case?

I know they used to reply in Swedish if you wrote in Swedish to them..maybe it changed now?
Okej första de gjorde besvarar dina frågor.Titta du kan få stöd av vokala medlemmar i forumet, och om det är vad du letar efter så mycket bra presentation, men allt du egentligen gör är att få in över huvudet om kontrakt.Nu eftersom du började spela innan du var arton kanske du kan få det att du godkänner EULA upphävts av en domare, men av grov du måste sluta att komma överens med EULA.
Lita på mig, försöker att vara populär på ett internetforum är ett slöseri med tid. :)

(*I wonder just how many lawyers Mindark has hired in the last several months? ;)*)

Well your trash site is still up so I guess none.
Okej första de gjorde besvarar dina frågor.Titta du kan få stöd av vokala medlemmar i forumet, och om det är vad du letar efter så mycket bra presentation, men allt du egentligen gör är att få in över huvudet om kontrakt.Nu eftersom du började spela innan du var arton kanske du kan få det att du godkänner EULA upphävts av en domare, men av grov du måste sluta att komma överens med EULA.
Lita på mig, försöker att vara populär på ett internetforum är ett slöseri med tid. :)

is nog veel lekkerder met een beetje mayo en zout :)
Well you can write in another language to support if they have people who understand it, but writing in another language in forums in which most of the people dont understand shit is just rude :p
Well you can write in another language to support if they have people who understand it, but writing in another language in forums in which most of the people dont understand shit is just rude :p

Actually it's against the rules and my posts will be deleted soon. I just like to piss the "grammar cops" off every now and then write in a language they do not understand. :) But yes I suppose it can be considered rude.
Actually it's against the rules and my posts will be deleted soon. I just like to piss the "grammar cops" off every now and then write in a language they do not understand. :) But yes I suppose it can be considered rude.

LOL! I sympathize, however that wasnt the original intention of my Swedish post. The OP was originally virtually all done in Swedish. I thought it was an unintentional boo boo that probably would have raised a few eyebrows, so I responded to him in Swedish, hoping to get his attention so that he could change it.

He got the hint, and probably appreciated the way that hint was put forward since it wasnt so negative sounding.

Of course some folks got pissed off at me and negrepped me for it, but whatever. If I spent my time trying to make everyone happy I'd make nobody happy. The folks who aren't happy with what I do can eat a crow, for all I care. I'm sure they feel the same way about me, so nothing lost.
some thoughts...

First of all to the first post: I had to take a lot of time before I understood what you meant. Support has to deal with tons of work, and if they have to try to understand your case as I did for like 10-15 minutes, for an issue that may/may not be urgent... Although every case has to be treated with care, sometimes a company just has bigger issues to take care of.

Here is what I understand:
You ask whether they are legally allowed to lock accounts, since you assume it is their responsablitity to make sure abuses cannot happen.

What you say here is the following:
- If you happen to leave your bicycle unlocked, camera on the bench or if you drop a penny on the ground irl, I can steal it, because it is your taks to take care that such thing does not happen.

Following this chain of thoughts, you should sue your real live governments for not providing a safe internet on which virusses and internet money scams (nigerian money-transfer, spanish lottery,...)
Or maybe you want the road workers to pay up because you were able to hit another car on the freeway...

Short and Simple:
You are not in a position to make demands and tell what and what not MA can do, as in 'have a right to lock' etc.
If you play this game, you handed over any right, and your peddies to MA. If you play it fair and smart, you may get eventual profit back.

If you want MA to answer all unclear and imo irrelevant and narrow-minded cases like yours, expect the loot to go down by 20% because they would need to hire extra support personel, lawyers and psychologists.

'All trades are final' = for avatars. Don't ask support to undo a trade. If, on the other hand, there is an abuse or money scam, MA can take the action they see fit.

About autoclickers etc.. once music cassettes were illegal, because they made ppl listen less to the radio and to real artists, untill the music companies jumped onto the train and sold cassettes... Times just change man, Don't you have anything better to do?

And if you want an answer on specific questions, ask them 1 by 1 :)
I doubt they even have one who knows his stuff, or things like all trades are final would allready have been deleted. :)

Oh hes quite the devil. he is in MAs board of directors but he does not handle cases once they get to court but he makes sure most of then don't

I know they used to reply in Swedish if you wrote in Swedish to them..maybe it changed now?

They did but I was told swedish support was down for the moment

LOL! I sympathize, however that wasnt the original intention of my Swedish post. The OP was originally virtually all done in Swedish. I thought it was an unintentional boo boo that probably would have raised a few eyebrows, so I responded to him in Swedish, hoping to get his attention so that he could change it.

He got the hint, and probably appreciated the way that hint was put forward since it wasnt so negative sounding.

Of course some folks got pissed off at me and negrepped me for it, but whatever. If I spent my time trying to make everyone happy I'd make nobody happy. The folks who aren't happy with what I do can eat a crow, for all I care. I'm sure they feel the same way about me, so nothing lost.

Actually I posted the support case as I was translating it

Short and Simple:
You are not in a position to make demands and tell what and what not MA can do, as in 'have a right to lock' etc.
If you play this game, you handed over any right, and your peddies to MA. If you play it fair and smart, you may get eventual profit back.

'All trades are final' = for avatars. Don't ask support to undo a trade. If, on the other hand, there is an abuse or money scam, MA can take the action they see fit.

I was perfectly aware of that and truth be told I was only interested in the answer of a few of the questions, this was simply a little test... I still want the real answers though

Oh and about all trades are final they are more pron to taking no action.
Said I wouldn't mention any examples of this but meh
: for one the Fort Argus bank owner got her stuff that had been "trapped" on a locked Ava, for this she was locked and the items returned,(guess all trades were not final) while MA had a written testimony from that locked Ava from years ago saying that they were not the owners and asked MA to return the items... I guess Pitt got the same treatment? Or wait no he didn't get his items back bummer :p

Also saying they are inept to handle these things and then refuses to give direct numbers isn't really solving the issue it's sweeping it under a very large dirty rugg
First of all to the first post: I had to take a lot of time before I understood what you meant. Support has to deal with tons of work, and if they have to try to understand your case as I did for like 10-15 minutes, for an issue that may/may not be urgent... Although every case has to be treated with care, sometimes a company just has bigger issues to take care of.

Here is what I understand:
You ask whether they are legally allowed to lock accounts, since you assume it is their responsablitity to make sure abuses cannot happen.

What you say here is the following:
- If you happen to leave your bicycle unlocked, camera on the bench or if you drop a penny on the ground irl, I can steal it, because it is your taks to take care that such thing does not happen.

Following this chain of thoughts, you should sue your real live governments for not providing a safe internet on which virusses and internet money scams (nigerian money-transfer, spanish lottery,...)
Or maybe you want the road workers to pay up because you were able to hit another car on the freeway...

Short and Simple:
You are not in a position to make demands and tell what and what not MA can do, as in 'have a right to lock' etc.
If you play this game, you handed over any right, and your peddies to MA. If you play it fair and smart, you may get eventual profit back.

If you want MA to answer all unclear and imo irrelevant and narrow-minded cases like yours, expect the loot to go down by 20% because they would need to hire extra support personel, lawyers and psychologists.

'All trades are final' = for avatars. Don't ask support to undo a trade. If, on the other hand, there is an abuse or money scam, MA can take the action they see fit.

About autoclickers etc.. once music cassettes were illegal, because they made ppl listen less to the radio and to real artists, untill the music companies jumped onto the train and sold cassettes... Times just change man, Don't you have anything better to do?

And if you want an answer on specific questions, ask them 1 by 1 :)

Most of what you wrote is just not true.
First of all your examples are a bad pick. Sueing your real life goverment? Civil Law does not apply in most cases, it's public law and this is done in different courts with different legal approaches.
In contrary with your dealing with MA, civil right applies. You got a service contract with them and you got consumer rights. They have to uphold the contract and can't go against consumer rights. What your stating is like Entropia Universe being a legal free No-Mans-Land in which they can do anything to you. Thats wrong.

-You are not in a position to make demands and tell what and what not MA can do, as in 'have a right to lock' etc.
If you play this game, you handed over any right, and your peddies to MA. If you play it fair and smart, you may get eventual profit back.

You are in a position to make demands and tell MA what and what not MA can do to you, if you feel they breached contract and went against your consumer rights. You did not hand over any right and your peddies to MA

-'All trades are final' = for avatars. Don't ask support to undo a trade. If, on the other hand, there is an abuse or money scam, MA can take the action they see fit.

All trades are not final, that rule is not what one can expect in general terms of use, because it affects consumers position in a negative way, too much. Law is shifted towards the consumers position, because he has a weaker standing by default, compared to a company which has lawyers employed and should know what they can do and not. If illegal stuff like scamming went off, MA can not take action as they see fit, but you have a right for them to take action.
All trades are not final, that rule is not what one can expect in general terms of use, because it affects consumers position in a negative way, too much. Law is shifted towards the consumers position, because he has a weaker standing by default, compared to a company which has lawyers employed and should know what they can do and not. If illegal stuff like scamming went off, MA can not take action as they see fit, but you have a right for them to take action.

there is acctually a swedish law regarding similar matters

Det är förbjudet att använda avtalsvillkor som ensidigt gynnar säljaren på konsumentens bekostnad. Det kan till exempel gälla oskäliga villkor i köpe- och uthyrningskontrakt, eller i garantier och beställningssedlar.läs mer

one of the laws regarding konsumer rights goes a little something like this.. we'll see if i can accuraly translate it

"It is prohibited to use Terms of Greements that soly benefit the seller on the konsumers behalf, it could for example involve brute purchase and loan terms or guarantees and order slips. read more."

that is of cours not the entire section only but a fraction to see what it involves
Yep thats about it, rules like that are present in any type of civil law in all western democratic countries. For europe its even somewhere in european civil law.
An advice...
They have the same legal worth, but don't use the TOU/EULA instead of toilet paper, because the sharp edges of the monitor can cause serious injuries to your output opening.

Furthermore, don't use the EULA/TOU instead of certified Kevlar vest, since it's absolutely no bulletproof.
An advice...
They have the same legal worth, but don't use the TOU/EULA instead of toilet paper, because the sharp edges of the monitor can cause serious injuries to your output opening.

Furthermore, don't use the EULA/TOU instead of certified Kevlar vest, since it's absolutely no bulletproof.

well swedish law all they hear is "breach of agreement" and then they slam that wooden club saying okey MA wins....
they do not investigate.. and simply does not seem to care
It is easier for the MA to get you off the game than that they must begin to think.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
well swedish law all they hear is "breach of agreement" and then they slam that wooden club saying okey MA wins....
they do not investigate.. and simply does not seem to care

If I remember well, MA wrote something about they would like to go to a swedish court if they sued...
They wrote it in the TOU, what they are breaking themselves constantly (IMHO)... so what it worths?

For an example, if I report them to my local authorities (for online crime), they must investigate the case.
Hungarian authorities then supposed to contact swedish (where the company is) and ?dutch? authorities (where the servers located).
Hihihi Irrespective of the actual case, they would be lost in a bureaucratic nightmare for years! :laugh:
If I remember well, MA wrote something about they would like to go to a swedish court if they sued...
They wrote it in the TOU, what they are breaking themselves constantly (IMHO)... so what it worths?

For an example, if I report them to my local authorities (for online crime), they must investigate the case.
Hungarian authorities then supposed to contact swedish (where the company is) and ?dutch? authorities (where the servers located).
Hihihi Irrespective of the actual case, they would be lost in a bureaucratic nightmare for years! :laugh:

In the US it works the same way. Courts here have gone so far as to back up MMORPG users of Second Life's claims that having to travel across the country for arbitration is unfair, striking down such clauses. Really it seems like the only people who have to worry about going to a Swedish court are those people living in countries that dont have a strong local legal tradition.
As far as jurisdiction goes, I think it really depends on who the parties in the lawsuit are. For example, if you were just going to sue a planet partner and not Mindark itself for something like false advertising, copyright abuse, trademark infringment, etc., it would probably depend on where the planet partner is located, but it might also have to do with where you are located and who the ad's intended audience was.

Of course, if it is something big like false advertising, it might be possible to get the law involved since it'd go beyond simple contractual dispute.
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it is true that if you sue MA they will call you to court in gothenburg.. failiur to do so will result in MA automaticly wins.. if i remember correctly