Nirfu's Quad-Wing Spaceflights


May 14, 2006
Rapture of Rebellion
Avatar Name
Nirfu Nirfu Merlin
Vehicle: Quad-Wing with Heavy BLP gun for passengers use.
Focus destinations: Fast trips to Arkadia, FOMA and CP.
Trading place: Calypso, Twin Peaks outside bank/ring.
Basic prices (from Calypso):
- Arkadia 30 PED
- RockTropia 30 PED
- CP 17 PED

Return prices(From destination to Calypso):
- Arkadia 20 PED
- RockTropia 20 PED
- CP 10 PED
Discounts for old customers.

Philosophy:Offer fast trips to Arkadia, FOMA and CP. Take off as fast as possible from Calypso. At the destination I will stay as short time as possible, main focus is trips FROM Calypso. Paying customers on returntrip is treated as a bonus.
I will stay independent and in case of pirate attack in first hand avoid and in second hand defencive activities.
I carry no stackables and it's up to passenger to decide if they will take a risk or not. I will NOT supply any insurance for stackables.
All payment in advance.
Customer will allways be in focus, if CTD, crash, pirate attack or other cause to passenger leaving vehicle, I will do my best to find and deliver passenger to agreed destination.

Disclamer:Prices is Basic prices and can be changed depending on demand/competition and my personal mode at the moment.
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A fun story from a Pilots day of work:

On the way to Crystal Palace EU decides to crash, so my passanger "Tommy" is stranded in my Quad-Wing while I struggle with comming online as soon as possible.
When I'm online I spawn outside my Quad and die. I postpone my teleporting to closest revive and grant "Tommy" access to the pilot seat. I give him instructions on how to pilot the Quad. Then I press T and wait for me to spawn on closest Space Station.
Due to a ferry ride to the Mothership Nostradamus I find myself standing in Nostradamus sick-bay. :) "Tommy" carry on with his selfpiloted CP transport while I walk down to hangar deck of Nostradamus. There I spawn my VTOL and start a flight to closest space station that shows out to be FOMA. While inside the Mothership I didn't manage to open the Space map.
While I travel to FOMA, "Tommy" lands safe on CP and after a while my Quad is returned to "Planet Storage" which in space is my pocket. :)

- Yet another passenger delivered safe to destination. :wtg:
hey man he should get a discount since he had to fly himself ;)
hey man he should get a discount since he had to fly himself ;)

Or I could have charged him for Piloting Lessons. :) Now I think we're even.
I have to inform you that I have a few days of "Leading Board Meetings". I'm bisy eating 3 court dinners and enjoying old whiskeys. Don't cry, I'll be back at Twin offering my service and my sarcasm reactions on the surroundings before you can say " Sex laxar i en laxask"