Selling: Selling Welding wire - large amounts at competitive prices on a regular basis

Wire it up :) Any amount ytou need when you need it at discount price!

Wire it up! Any amout you need at bulk discounts :)
Time to wire it up :)
Wire it up :)...........
Wire it up :) Also remember I offer free repair skilling on Kronan.
Wire it up. Any amount you need, when you need it, below MU
Wire it up... Free repair skilling on Kronan too!
Cheap wires for sale & free repair skilling on Kronan. Just pm me :)

Wire it up :) Come repair on MS kronan and get your bulk of cheap wire.
Wire it up... any amount you need, when you need it, below MU. And you are welcome to come skill up repairing at Kronan too :)
Wire it up.. any amount you need when you need it. And you'r welcome to come skill for free on Kronan too :)
Wire it up!!! :)
Wire it up.. bulk, cheap prices whenever you need it... come skill on Kronan for free 24/7 :)
wire it up :) Come skill on Kronan!