Do hunters pay for mining?

The uncertainty principle... Is that cat dead or alive?
would be nice to know if:
- loot pool is unique(shared by all player in all profession)
- there is 1 loot pool per profession

By all accounts; none of the two.

Loot is much more likely to follow some form of probability distribution, based on the cost to kill a mob (health, regen and/or damage done), craft an item or TT cost per click while mining.

Loot pool = server-resource heavy
Probability = easy to implement and no huge data storage and handling for servers

Loot pool might be real, but there's zero proof it exists.

The uncertainty principle... Is that cat dead or alive?

As it's been so long since it was first put in the box, I'll go out on a limb and say it's stone dead by now.
I think ATH multiplier loots r paid from auc fees and have nothing to do with ur normal return (just check all the nubz hitting uberz). And i also dont believe in "overall" lootpool, i believe in personal loot pool, if it wouldnt be the case, some ppl would just get 50% return all the time and some would get 200% overtime.
This year i turned 110k++ peds and atm im at 92% tt return (with some big loots: 4,5k 3,7k 1,7k 1k).
And miners almost always pays huge MU on amps (even if its 109%) while in hunting u put in mostly TT.
[...]And i also dont believe in "overall" lootpool, i believe in personal loot pool, if it wouldnt be the case, some ppl would just get 50% return all the time and some would get 200% overtime.
[...]atm im at 92% tt return[...]

Actually it's the exact opposite. Over a large time span/bank roll ("this year") everyone will approach a similar average result. Take a small sample ("a hunt") and you get the sort of variations you described; 50 % one hunt, 200 % the next.

It's a bit like having a personal loot pool. But it's adjusted by chance and probability - not by computer power.