You know you are a depositer when...

When you try to find a person with the skill doctor instead of going to a real one.
..When u know the exchange rate for USD by heart.

there's an applet/gadget for that! And I need it for my work so any benefits for timing deposits is purely accidental :rolleyes:
you know you're a depositor

when it really turns you on to make a new deposit. In fact, you depo every time before you go to bed with your gf.
When ur highest loot is less than 1% of ur total loot:rolleyes:
You can get away with mobtrains
when everytime u go for a movie , u are like meh should have gone hunting
When you set the crafter for a long run before bed (sleep-crafting) and when you are laying in bed you hear the HOF sound in the other room and you jump out of bed to see how much it was even though you were just about almost asleep and you have to work in like 3 hours.
You know you're a depositer when you have whacky dreams like the one I had last night. It involved flying across my old primary school playing field (I finished primary school about thirty-five years ago), acquiring some loot and accessing a trade terminal. The last bits are vague now but I remember it feeling real at the time!

Edit, forgot to mention, the playing field was pvp. :)
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When you tell yourself depoing 200 ped isnt bad, its only 20 bucks! How will i notice the 20 bucks... Today..?

I wont, hmm might as well do 40 or 50 bucks.


Hmm, im on a budget... But i need to depo to EU... Ill skip dinner instead!
when your bank enquires if mindark pe ab might be stealing from you without your permission, like mine did . i should have said mind who? what?
When you tier your UL weapon by auto-firing at a tree while you are in bed sleeping for 6 hours.