Miners.. I need your input!


Jan 31, 2005
Planet Express
Avatar Name
Ms. Kazzza 'Starfinder' Milla
On the "Landarea pages" on Entropia Life I am currently making a graph that (hopefully) can tell when it is better to mine an area then other times...

The theory is that it is better to mine an area (highly mined area - FOMA, MainArena, HELL and so on) at specific times.
So, what I have is, split into hours of the day:
- number of globals
- average global value
- number of ubers
- number of unique avatars

I would like to give the area a "rating" based on those numbers.
So far I have the following formula for the rating:

Rating = (Number of globals / number of miners) * average globalvalue.

So, if you have an area with 134 globals, 84 miners, average value at 83 PED.
The rating would be:
R = (134 / 84) * 83 = 132

Another example
248 globals, 171 miners, 74 PED value.
R = (248 / 171) * 74 = 107

The reason being that although there are more globals, there aren't more globals per per avatar, and the globals are smaller.

The only issue is with Landareas that are not "mining landareas".
If you have: Globals: 5, Miners: 1, Value: 94.
R = (5 / 1) * 94 = 470

So, im wondering - obviously I can not get the "true" rating number, since that would require me to know how many bombs have been dropped.
But, if I take the "rating" number and multiply with the total number of globals on that landarea for the given time period (not just the hour), then Landareas with a "high mining activity" would have its rating increased a lot.

So same examples as above:

R = (134 / 84) * 83 * 541 globals = 72494
R = (248 / 171) * 74 * 541 globals = 57887
R = (5 / 1) * 94 * 17 globals = 7990

Then the chart would show when you most likely could expect to global on a mining landarea...

I have tried to make it so that it is not a "self fulfilling prophecy" (which some of the other charts on the site are).
This is done by doing "average globals per person" instead of "the total amount of globals" as the divider.

So.. Comments?
One idea maybe worth considering:

- Leave rating method as it is in example 1 ( all in all it is equitable )
- Exclude from displaying Lands with number of globals less than X ( where X is min amount to alow equitablity of showed data)
or at least display it not highlighted or even with notification that data ,for that particular LA are "still collected"
- Sucha barely mined LA can reach displaying status or ranking when some more globals will pop-up on it.
since not many miners commented maybe i can, as someone who drops the odd probe here and there :p
it would be really nice if there is more information for miners on entropia life but i dont see how this would work.
the main problem you have is amp use, it would only take a few miners using amps in a area to skew the results.
the only places this might work are foma/hell where you can assume most people are using lvl5+ amps.
so unless you assimilate/replicate LBML and can persuade people to share their complete data with you i dont see how this will be useful except on foma/hell.