FYI: F.O.M.A. Dome #5 Merp removed


Sep 27, 2006
Calypso - Arkadia
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Giuliano adm Noooo
I would announce that the Merp DNA has been removed in Biodome #5.

At this moment there are some Snablesnots Male :acid: and Famale :sweat: at minumum settings, and an Exarosaur DNA at minumum settings will be added in the next days to grow a little the pacific population inside the Biodome.

Have fun mining! :tower:
even few are anoying ( u have to kill them rarely - and almost always overshoot )

remove all shity DNA's and let us mine in peace :p
I have to admit I questioned your sanity adding merp in the first place... :silly2:
Unless merps are maxed for missions, they just mostly piss people off.... :D

Little decay bags arn't worth the ammo it takes to kill them most times...:laugh:
Don't feed them Exos.
I have to admit I questioned your sanity adding merp in the first place...

Ha ha.. I bet, but it wasn't me to add em, I removed the first minute after claimed the dome.

About snables I will hold em.. Still rare DNA, it could be used in future. Exarosaurs will be added only if miners are ok with it, else no more changes.
no mobs at all please.... just annoyance.
Allright, no Exa :)

Snables are both M & F at minimum settings, very low aggro and slow run, I will hold em for the moment, they can be removed in future if miners are still affected.

dynamage voltage assasin found Xeremite in biodome #5 yesterday, and it seems like he's not alone. I will update wellcome message soon, if anyone finds others ores/enmatters I would like to be informed ;)
good to see a dome in motion :) actually the DNA u got in there is awesome ( not at current spawn rate/maturity tho )

Do keep in mind MA has announced that every type of mob gets a mission sooner or later, so i would hold on to any of em atm.

I think i am one of the few, that loves snables, but have a hard time to find the highest maturity's :) , since those are not known atm for me.

Most probably i will visit ure dome soon, im falling behind on my mining activity's.

Grtz on the purchase!
Snables are both M & F at minimum settings, very low aggro and slow run, I will hold em for the moment, they can be removed in future if miners are still affected.

Noo don't remove them!

As far as I know, snable DNA is unique.

Removing merps was a good choice though. Merp DNA is best in land areas dedicated to merp lovers.
Ha ha.. I bet, but it wasn't me to add em, I removed the first minute after claimed the dome.

About snables I will hold em.. Still rare DNA, it could be used in future. Exarosaurs will be added only if miners are ok with it, else no more changes.

ah kk sorry didn't realize it had been sold again. :)

Naw keep the snables, they don't agro much unless you stand on top of them, and even then they are slow and easy to out run if you don't want to carry a gun. ;)

I have to admit I kinda miss the stalkers though...:laugh:
snable stalkers please...
I am happy to see it's a liked mob, just until mission on em probably the hunters won't be so many and miners could dislike the change.

But I promise the day the mission comes out you will find Dome 5 full of high maturity Snables ;)

EDIT: Forgot to add I am increasing a bit week by week numer of Males... when enough I'll start to grow maturity too :)
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I am happy to see it's a liked mob, just until mission on em probably the hunters won't be so many and miners could dislike the change.

But I promise the day the mission comes out you will find Dome 5 full of high maturity Snables ;)

EDIT: Forgot to add I am increasing a bit week by week numer of Males... when enough I'll start to grow maturity too :)

i prefer girls.....
snable stalkers please , you can hunt the shitty ones on cally , no stalkers spawn anywhere or extremely seldom if they do, the big ones globaled alot please max the maturity at least if not dencity.
EDIT: I have decided to postpone the maturity increase for the moment.
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I would also love to see snable stalkers. Its always fun to kill those things :)
Guilani pleeeeeeeeease will you put up as many Snablesnot-Male DNA as you can to max mat and max density and maybe a couple of Snablesnot-Female DNA up also. I'm willing to spend literally thousands of peds there to get the globals I need. Unfortunately, snables and snarks do not do "small" globals, which is ridiculous really, even the youngs... so I have to fight the big fatties and constantly smash em. I've got Exa global already but I guess more skins couldn't hurt. Let me pay your taxes for a bit =P