Yulebot ?

The yull spawns between 12 and 23 minutes left and has dropped: 1 ped rare L sword, doa L, generic fuse, power amps, data links, other assorted crap. The trick about leaving 2 mobs from the near by spawn works well. Info gathered over 12 yull kills
What i've been doing it go all kill happy for the first 35 minutes then use the remaining time until he spawns clearing a nice inner line of space just incase he kills me and I have to run back. After a few runs you get a general idea of the groups so you can leave a few and not trigger a respawn. If he's taking a while to spawn and I have my space all set up I just pop over to the other side and kill what I can there until he shows. It may not be the best or most efficient way but since I doubt i'll place in category 2 i'm quite happy to do it my way and have a bit of fun.