Event: 5k Fever! Proteron & Estophyl hunting, 5k PED prizes

Guess I better start hunting!
4 days left!
3 days to go!
Goooo skippie !!!!!
Two days left!
Round about 32 hours to go!
Skippie, you have 11 hours to get 119 globals.

Thanks for all the competition, this month.

I'll square up with Oleg and he'll have PEDs for all five 2K winners, this week.

thanx for a sweet event Skip and Oleg!
Trin and DoctorH paid.
Thanks Skippie and thanks everyone for taking part in the event - congratulations winners!
Got the rest paid, yesterday. Thanks for hunting hard in last months contest!

Stay tuned to PCF for our next one, in April.
