New Ideas for MA To consid: Part 5: The bottom Line and who wins..


Old Alpha
Sep 26, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, United States
Avatar Name
Benjamin 'Ben' Coyote
Alright now that we have looked at this i 4 parts, let's put this all together in one lump sum and see who wins.. and to no surprise the answer is quite simple..

Everyone wins.. Including M, and the player, be it pirate, or pilot..

Let's go back.. Part 1 Space..

Active searching and looking for other players as they leave into PVP, MA wins here as well as those who want to sell either ME, and or Oil...Sweaters would benefit as thy could ask higher pires for their swweat.. and comlete with other sweat sink items (Wire, and other tools) the entire sweat market gets a boost, Including the mew player who everyone needs to stay in game.. even if they don't deposit..

New Vehciles for single and multi players (and i mean this would be 2-4 man fighters that are customizable) People win here because now they get to customize their craft.s. People selling textures and pain will ant to sel their goods and wares for fair prices and thus in the end the hunters aren't forgottten.. they're included in this.. (And this comes from a crafter of Textures, and a pain collector.. if anyone wants to customize their ships, they cold...)

Weapons, Mind Essence Engines and Warp Engine.. Again MA Wins here cause new items invented means new content and everyone wants new content.. Pure and simple. The Engine designers would win and thus they could make it more interesting to sell cheap afforedable weapons and engines.. Explosive projectiles would be used rather than sitting on the market at 101, and even decoys would be purchased.. In short, eveyrthing would be used, and hardly any of it wasted,..

Redesigned PVP: Make it cahallengineg and get rid of the camping.. Make it exciting and not where you can spot a pirate at a station as you come into space.. in short, put NOn_PVP areas around entire planets and some statons, make others totally lootable, and even thow in Akbal -Cimi and make it a dog to get out of.. Complete with angry drop ships and what not..

Finally tactics and Teamwork.. This is perhaps the biggest faux pas of the entire game.. When I cam into this game 5 years ago, I always worked in a team, rather than hunting alone, I would communicate rather than act, and now with people using voice instead of tyoing, it's very easy to coordinate attacks, Plot ambushes, and even coordinate information dealing with both pilot and pirate activity.. In this game, it's not money that is doing the talking and making some people rich or poor, it's the fact that information and knowing wher eyou are annd what type of sitatuionis are in, makes the game more challenging.. Adding that "Starwars-esque" type of feel with touches of all the vehicles imagineable can be had.. Trasport cartgo ships being held up while a attack squad coordinates the counter attack against piares, using multiple weapons with multiple people in a ship (not just lasers and BLP guns. I mean real gauss, and Particle Beam weaponry.. not to mention Missiles..

(Watch any anime where there is a battle, and you see a tone of explosions,... Right now this game smacks more of the 1980's series G.I. Joe.. Destroy ships, maybe kill pieople get loot.. Really lame..

In closing I say this.. Spce I feel could be more fun if they imploemented some of these ideas, New ships, new fuel and ways to move around the board, and new hazards and ways to get around space.. Warp gates are one thing, but sitting at a warp gate or camping a station is lame.. I play another game atm, and you gotta be moving, you gottta be shooting, and you got to think ahead.. or else be killed..

Or., you can be the sam way and be lame as a duck.. and that's why I'm not playing now.. cause right now? Space needs an overhaul, and in a hurry.. else you can figure people don't want to explore or figure out new ways to transport goods, or be crafty or even develop fighter teams to either pirate ships ro fight off attackers with new weapons and new ays to think..

I'm a guy who has bene across the board at least 200 times in the last 2 years.. if not 500, and in that I've been shot down maybe a hand ful of times, I've died everytme to a ruthless killer and I've come back meaner than ever.. I'm a tough old dog, but rather than the pirates and the pilots becomeing old dogs, and playing this game of "Oh look a pirate, maybe i can get away , oh shoot, I got killed and lost the loot, it shows what way the players hould learn.. This is really up to the players to talk to MA (sure they might not listen to reason, but a well thought out plan like this might make them realize, they're not thinking straight about how they can make money.. Uncle Mo wa right.. No more TTing things, no more giving things to others for free, or for very little, and above all, no more lost players.. Everyone wins, no one loses..

(and if they brought in bounty hunting into this game, I'd be sititng there on some planet looking for you guys who come int from space to dump your loot, and then shoot you and give it to the poor (After all Pirates beget Piracy, and Robin Hood was a pirate right? Rob from the rich give to the poor..Believe me, if MA changed these few simple thins, the game would be enjoyable.. Players would want to take the risks, rather than a selecty few, or they would want the protection of a figher squadron, or be in an epic space battle (right John Black Night, Sbi, Sakuba, George, and thre Res?) or maybe you would like ot be on a team that be the Robin hood types,, that are th pirate who don't give to the poor (Right Stagger and the Nebula Virus guys and gals?) or maybe you might want o be the fighter the real space figher who stops a pirate attack with your squadon of battle ready and tactically driven piloits, the guys who right off the pirates, and the guys who coordinate, and who gather information and pass it along to their teams..

You want a spae war? War is just the tip of the idce berg, Crafting weapons, fighting and evading in space, smuggling, This is what MA wants.. they want us to use their ammo, to use the crafted weapons and devices they offer us, and in the nd, everyone wins, no one loses.. Not the players and not MA.. And if MA were to get money, I bet they could get some real skilled programmers to make it more interesting..
and if you want skills, MA could add in some skills that really are worth money, allow items that could have better MU than 102, and in fact give players more opporitunities to do stuff..

So that's about it.. No further debates or ideas are necessary unless someone wants to throw out a few..

As for me? I'm headed to bed.. Coyote Over and out..

Benjamin "Ben" Coyote (Call sign Coyote)
A.k.a. "The Blind Sniper"