Image durations in signs

Pretto Loco

Jul 21, 2013
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Pretto Loco Believingson
So I am still trying to dodge the bugs and understand how the signs works.
I bought an Opto Sign. No (PC).
I just wanted a couple of default images with text added scrolling.

I have visited a few apartments where people have scrolling image signs or screens.
They seem to work but I have no clue what settings they have used.

So I have 9 images with text.
Every image has the exact same setting and priority:


This would make you think that the duration for this images will be 300 seconds.
But thats not the result as you can see here:


The durations seems to be rather randomly set. From 5 minutes up to 40 minutes.

I cant set the sequence. It shows 1 on each of the images.

Are there anyone who managed to make a scroller with as short durations as possible?
Do I need another kind of sign or is it hopeless?
cant really answer that but how did you manage to put up multiple messages? I tried that not long ago and even failed to create a second message :eyecrazy:
That was the least of my problems.
1. Edit
2. Choose "Create" folder
3. Configure
4. Press "Create" button
5. Pay
6. Enjoy

I even managed to add a 10th message now :O

Still no answer from MA. Ive ased them the same about it.
I keep post any constructive answer they might have.