Info: Pulsar 8 (L) Armor Plate VS Mark.5b UL Armor Plate

Chuck Wholrey

Feb 21, 2012
Missouri, USA
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Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

Pulsar 8 VS Mark.5b

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulsar 8 (L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark.5b UL

TT Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.10 ped

MU % and ped value . . . . . 108.89% <49 ped> = 4 ped MU . . . TT+35.63 ped <day> = 66.73 ped

Protection . . . . . . . 11 IMP, 19 CUT, 6 STAB =36 overall . . . . . 12 IMP, 9 CUT, 8 STAB = 29 overall

Durability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<14000> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <900>

Decay Value* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <.03639 ped> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <.03513 ped>

*The decay test was done with Settler Armor on Calypso, at the oil rig VS Atrox Prowler. Both were hits in the Thigh Guard, for the same value .01138 ped decay on the armor, plus the decay listed for the Armor Plate.

Draw your own conclusions... With the difference in Durability, and the drop in protection as UL plates decay... I would say Pulsar 8 wins.

** I lost the fight with the forum spacing allowance, sorry for all of the dots

*** I should also point out This info was also posted on :
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Yeah and there's also 8A (L). Between inexpensive 8A and Pulsar 8, there's not a lot of point in owning 5Bs. I sold mine...
Unless the supply runs out or MU gets too high

Yeah mu going up... wouldn't that be something. :rolleyes:

Definitely not something you do if you can't do without big plates for any length of time. My kit favors minimal armor, anyway.
Unless the supply runs out or MU gets too high

If the Supply does indeed run out, Shoot me a PM ;)

As for the price... The plates are still sold below cost atm, due to a few <alts / resellers?>, that had crashed the MU in the past. I wont name names, and they are still in game, so I do not see the price moving anywhere anytime soon.

Goodluck out there,
Ya I started collecting 5B's just before pulsar 8's came into game but when pulsar 8's came out I did a short compare and sold all the 5B's I had and have only used pulsar 8's, has better protection for one was little more but worth it back then and now it is vastly more eco because pulsar 8 plate prices dropped so much.
While I mainly use 2C/2A/5A (depending on damage and eco) I have seen quite enough availability and item management problems with limited armors that the idea of limited plates is not very appealing. I don't really see myself using limited plates for everyday regular hunting, even if I might buy special purpose L plate sets. Like Pulsar 8(L) for high cut protection plate set.