Weapon comparison tool


Aug 23, 2013
Crimson Devils
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Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo
Hey guys i am confused why i am getting different dmg/pec numbers when viewing the same weapon with the same amp through the weapon comparison tool vs just looking at the weapon on weapons page. Can anyone please explain this to me, and which one gives the correct numbers? Thank in advance!
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On the Weapons chart, you'll have 'Effective Damage' checked. Uncheck it and the stats will match the info page for the weapon - ie showing maximum damage.
Both are correct.

Weapon chart page gives you eco without MU. You haven't selected Markup based box

Weapon comparison tool gives you eco with MU
Ah that makes sense. Thanks turisas.
Im not sure that your reply actually answered what i was asking. What i am confused about are the 2 highlighed areas in these 2 pictures. So what is the eco of this gun 2.89 or 2.959?



Apologies for not reading your question more carefully earlier - the pics give a much better idea of what you're comparing :)

One thing I'd point out, not covered by Turiasas, is that on the weapon compare tool, you've set your Professions for both Hit and Damage to 100.
On the weapons chart, you don't.
It doesn't make a difference in this specific example, as no data has been recorded for the level at which hit ability is maxed - but it can do, particularly when looking at unmaxed weapons with SIB.

So, the comparison is:
Weapon compare tool: 2.89dpp
Weapons chart: 2.959dpp

2.89 * 102.38% = 2.959
The 102.38% is the effective markup: (weapon decay * markup + amp decay * markup + ammo * markup)/(TT weapon decay + TT amp decay + TT ammo).
As the amp is non-L, and the ammo has no markup, the 129% on the weapon decay is the only component with markup.
Note that this 129% is a stored field on the weapons chart which was entered in Jan2013, whereas the weapons compare tool lets you easily personalise that so you can see the calculations based on the actual auction price right now.

I use the weapons chart as a quick sort and filter listing. But I make individual comparisons based on current pricing using the weapons compare tool.